Yerbana city

A city existed on the planet Yerbana within the Outer Rim Territories. This city was only reachable via a solitary bridge spanning a deep chasm. During the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, battle droids belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems took control of the city. These droids were under the command of an ST-series super tactical droid.

Suffering ensued for the inhabitants, prompting the Galactic Republic to deploy the 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion to attack the planet. Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker led this effort to free the city. The Republic successfully ended the Confederacy's hold on the city and secured control of the entire planet as a consequence.

Behind the scenes

The Yerbana city made its debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series in the seventh season's ninth episode, "Old Friends Not Forgotten." This episode was broadcast on April 17, 2020.

