
Yerbana, a planet of the terrestrial type, existed within the Outer Rim Territories. A Republic Defense Corps station situated close to Yerbana suffered an assault by Nihil marauders during the age of the High Republic Era. In the year 19 BBY, amidst the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars, a conflict occurred on this world between the forces of the Galactic Republic and those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems; specifically, the 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic battled against the Separatist Droid Army in what became known as the battle. The Republic emerged victorious, a result of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's timely assistance to Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th. Skywalker secured the planet for the Republic by feigning surrender, which lured out the super tactical droid commanding the droid forces.


Yerbana was located along the Triellus Trade Route in the Outer Rim Territories.

Yerbana was a planet of the terrestrial variety, found within the Savareen sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Its location was identified as grid square Q-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. The Triellus Trade Route connected Yerbana to both Arkanis and Llanic, and it was positioned just outside the Corellian Run. Yerbana possessed several moons, a breathable type I atmosphere, and a surface marked by oceans, mountains covered in green vegetation, and canyons. The cities on Yerbana were interconnected by bridges and frequently situated amidst permanent clouds atop elevated, flat mountains.


High Republic Era

During the High Republic Era, Lieutenant Visma Tarko and Corporal Elping Tsoo of the Republic Defense Corps, accompanied by the protocol droid See-Zerosixen, were stationed at a station in proximity to Yerbana. Their transport suffered an attack from Nihil marauders. The trio managed to escape using an escape pod and sought refuge on one of Yerbana's moons, eventually becoming stowaways on a ship that was subsequently captured by the Nihil. Some months later, specifically in 228 BBY, the officers recounted the events that transpired near Yerbana to Captains Joss and Pikka Adren.

Clone Wars

The 212th Attack Battalion struggles to gain ground on Yerbana.

Amidst the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the secessionist Confederacy of Independent Systems, the year 19 BBY saw a prioritization of key planets, Yerbana included, alongside Felucia and Cato Neimoidia. Yerbana became the arena for a Republic offensive, targeting territories still under Separatist dominion. Combat unfolded both on the planet's surface and within its atmosphere, pitting the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion against the Separatist Droid Army. The Battle of Yerbana was fought on multiple fronts, with the 501st, under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and the 212th, under Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, engaged in separate conflicts. Ultimately, Skywalker and the 501st achieved victory in their engagement and proceeded to support Kenobi and the 212th, who were facing difficulties in advancing across a substantial bridge located outside a nearby city.

Upon reaching the bridge, Skywalker informed Kenobi of the 501st's arrival to assist, playfully criticizing him for seeking cover while the city's inhabitants suffered under Separatist control. Skywalker initiated his plan by calling for a ceasefire and feigning surrender to the droid forces, aiming to draw the enemy's super tactical droid into the open. Simultaneously, Clone Captain CT-7567, known as "Rex," led clone jetpack troopers of the 501st beneath the bridge.

The jetpack troopers of the 501st flank the droid army.

After the tactical droid revealed itself, approaching to investigate the cessation of fire from the droid army, Skywalker employed the Force to pull the droid towards him and then decapitated it with his lightsaber. Subsequently, the clones positioned beneath the bridge activated their jetpacks and ascended, flanking the droid army on both sides. The Republic's forces swiftly overcame the droid army, leading to Skywalker and Kenobi being summoned back to a Venator-class Star Destroyer to receive a communication from former Jedi Ahsoka Tano. The Battle for Yerbana concluded with a Republic victory, wresting control of the planet from the Separatists.

Imperial Era and beyond

In 3 ABY, HoloNet News anchor Dorna Parros broadcasted a story regarding a KX-series security droid that had recovered a family's belongings from raiders on Yerbana. The droid was reported to have returned the items to their rightful owners after independently dismantling the raiders' outpost, thereby gaining local hero status. Sometime following the publication of historian Beaumont Kin's book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, in 35 ABY, journalist Kitrin Braves released her Skywalker family biography, Skywalker: A Family at War, which featured a concise account of the Clone Wars Battle of Yerbana.


Yerbana was the site of a city featuring towering skyscrapers. A sizable bridge spanned a deep chasm just outside the city. The Republic Defense Corps operated a station in the vicinity of Yerbana.

Behind the scenes

Lighting concept for Yerbana by Molly Denmark

Yerbana was initially visualized in the official trailer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series' Season Seven, released on January 22, 2020. The planet made its debut in "Old Friends Not Forgotten," the season's ninth episode, which was released on April 17, 2020, via Disney+. Andre Kirk created concept art for Yerbana on August 2, 2018, while Molly Denmark developed the planet's lighting concept. The April 1, 2022 De Agostini reference book, The End of the Clone Wars, states that Yerbana is on the Corellian Run hyperspace route. However, the map created for the reference book Star Wars: Timelines and given out as a promotional poster at Celebration Anaheim of May 26 through 29, 2022 prior to the book's release during Celebration Europe of April 7 through 10, 2023 places the planet just off the route. This article prioritizes the map, recognizing it as the more recent source.

