Kaeden Larte

Kaeden Larte, a human female, was the elder sibling of Miara Larte. She made her living as a farmer residing on the moon called Raada. Her life took a turn when she encountered Ahsoka Tano and collaborated with the former Jedi in a revolt against the Galactic Empire. Subsequently, Larte became a member of the Rebel Alliance, serving on a medical frigate.


Kaden Larte developed a friendship, which blossomed into romantic feelings, for Ahsoka Tano (pictured). This occurred after Ahsoka's arrival on Raada, where she was known as "Ashla."

Kaeden Laerte's birth occurred around the year 35 BBY. Her parents were farmers on the moon Raada; they both passed away when Kaeden was approximately fourteen years old. Following this, Kaeden began her career as a farmer, working under the supervision of Vartan, the crew leader, who provided care for both her and her sister. One year into the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era], Kaeden formed a bond with Ahsoka Tano upon her arrival to Raada, where she went by the alias 'Ashla' and claimed to be a mechanic. Kaeden assisted her in finding lodging in an abandoned dwelling and supported her in building a reputation for both herself and her supposed 'business'.

During the events of the Raada Uprising, Kaeden participated in a failed assault on an Imperial base. Ahsoka intervened and extracted her from the situation. In doing so, Ahsoka revealed her true identity as a former Jedi. Angered by Ahsoka's deception, Kaeden departed from their cave hideout, only to be apprehended by the Galactic Empire. She was subjected to torture in preparation for interrogation, but Ahsoka intervened and rescued her before she could disclose any sensitive information. After Ahsoka departed from the moon, Kaeden remained in the cave hideout alongside Miara and the other survivors of the raid until the Sixth Brother discovered their location while searching for Ahsoka. The Sixth Brother captured Kaeden in an attempt to draw Ahsoka back to Raada, which ultimately resulted in his defeat and death at Ahsoka's hands.

Ahsoka liberated her from her cell, along with the other prisoners. During their reunion, Kaedan confessed her affections for Ahsoka. With the assistance of Bail Organa, Kaeden and the other farmers from Raada were evacuated. Kaeden voiced her desire to join the rebellion once Miara reached an age where she could join her.

Following the evacuation from Raada, Kaeden and her sister were initially relocated to a refugee camp located on Alderaan. Ultimately, they both enlisted in the rebellion, pursuing different career paths. Kaeden enrolled in medical school on Alderaan, and by the year 0 ABY she was serving on a Republic medical frigate. Due to their separate assignments, she rarely had the opportunity to see Miara.

Personality and traits

Despite the hardships she faced growing up on Raada and the loss of her parents, Kaeden possessed a generally friendly and kind demeanor. She held her connections with her community in high regard, considering them to be her new family. She harbored feelings for Ahsoka Tano and placed her trust in her, despite the reservations expressed by Miara and the other farmers.

Tano described Kaeden's skin tone as being lighter than that of Master Windu, but darker than that of Rex. She typically wore her hair in braids, but would cover it with a scarf when she was unable to maintain them.

Behind the scenes

Kaeden Larte's debut appearance was in the 2016 novel titled Ahsoka, penned by E. K. Johnston. Johnston verified via Twitter that Larte identifies as queer.

