Unidentified platoon (332nd Company)

One platoon of clone troopers served as a unit within the 332nd Company, which itself was a part of the 501st Legion, throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. Mirroring the practice of the entire 332nd Company, this platoon customized their helmets as a tribute to the former Togruta Jedi Commander, Ahsoka Tano. Tano had rejoined the 501st Legion to ask for help with capturing Maul, the one-time Sith apprentice, on the planet Mandalore. Soldiers from this platoon were seen inside a hangar, displaying their equipment to Tano.

Behind the scenes

The platoon's initial appearance was in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Old Friends Not Forgotten." The audio description on the Disney+ platform verified its designation as a platoon.

