Attack on a Republic cruiser

During the Clone Wars in 21 BBY, a cruiser belonging to the Galactic Republic, stationed at a shipyard, became the target of an attack. The perpetrator was a Mandalorian saboteur affiliated with the Mandalorian Death Watch, and supported by the Separatist Alliance. When Republic forces discovered him, the saboteur engaged them in a firefight before choosing to end his own life. While this prevented the Republic from interrogating the Mandalorian, a holographic recording of the assault was captured.

Following this incident, the Jedi High Council sent Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to the planet Mandalore. His mission was to confer with Duchess Satine Kryze, the head of the pacifist New Mandalorians. Kenobi's investigation on Mandalore aimed to determine if Kryze, the planet itself, or the New Mandalorians had aligned with the Confederacy. Upon arriving, Kenobi presented the recording of the attack to the Duchess.

Behind the scenes

The holographic recording depicting the attack on the Republic cruiser was initially shown in "The Mandalore Plot," which was the twelfth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season. It was broadcast on January 29, 2010.

