
Phatrong, a planet of the terrestrial type, existed within the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Its surface was largely composed of oceans, which were separated by slender and mountainous landmasses. It served as the homeworld for the Kyuzo species, who had developed a number of adaptations to cope with the world's intense gravity. A decentralized confederation of Kyuzo governed Phatrong, choosing their senators for representation in the Senate of the Galactic Republic, and later, the Imperial Senate. This system remained until the Galactic Empire directly seized control of the planet following the Senate's dissolution. The Force-sensitive Kyuzo individual Savina Besatrix Malagán, and the Kyuzo bounty hunter known as Embo, both originated from this planet.


Situated in the Outer Rim Territories and the New Territories, Phatrong occupied grid square P-6 on the Standard Galactic Grid. As a terrestrial planet, it featured expansive oceans that were segmented by narrow, mountainous continents, arranged in a roughly linear fashion stretching from pole to pole. Certain mountain chains were flanked by wide plains and gentle hills, while others rose sharply from the water's edge, creating fjords and lengthy inland canyons. Phatrong's gravity exceeded the galactic standard, and its atmospheric composition was unusual.


During the era of the High Republic Era, Phatrong held membership within the Galactic Republic. Approximately around 397 BBY, Savina Besatrix Malagán, a Force-sensitive Kyuzo, was born on Phatrong and subsequently entrusted to the Jedi Order. By the time she reached the age of fifteen, Malagán's memories of her homeworld had diminished.

Phatrong later became part of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire. At some point, the Ekaqume clovoc suppressed a rebellion on the planet's Kambey Plains in a single day. After the dissolution of the Imperial Senate, the local Imperial governor replaced the planet's decentralized Kyuzo confederation, directly overseeing Phatrong and relying on their own forces for control, only interacting with the clovocs when absolutely necessary. Their reputation caused the Empire to be cautious on Phatrong, and as long as taxes were paid promptly, the Empire generally exerted minimal direct influence over the world. Despite this, Kyuzo rebel sympathizers on Phatrong persistently attempted to enlist like-minded individuals, hoping to strengthen the Rebel Alliance and establish a substantial resistance force on their homeworld. The planet was mentioned in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed at the Graf Archive at some point after 34 ABY.


Phatrong was the homeworld of the Kyuzo species.

The Kyuzo species called Phatrong their homeworld. They evolved dense muscle fibers and quick reflexes to adapt to the planet's strong gravity, and they communicated in their own language. Beginning with early city-states, the Kyuzo developed societies that covered significant areas of Phatrong. Kyuzo cities were spread across the continents; most continents and major islands functioned as independent political entities. While most Kyuzo identified with a specific country or region, they also formed a loose confederation that selected the planet's senators for the Senate of the Galactic Republic and the Imperial Senate of the Galactic Empire.

The Kyuzo possessed a distinguished military history on Phatrong. Separate from their governments were the clovocs, which were organizations of warriors and other combatants with their own distinct traditions and rules, operating independently of the political region they inhabited. All forms of Kyuzo government entered into agreements with the clovocs for security and military support. While not monolithic, with some regions having more traditional structures with integrated militaries, clovocs were common in many of the largest nations. Furthermore, because many Kyuzo who ventured off-world were members of a clovoc, these warrior orders were among the most recognized aspects of Kyuzo culture throughout the galaxy. However, many Kyuzo also pursued simple lives as farmers and merchants, along with a number of other professions. The Jedi Sav Malagán originated from this world, but was given to the Jedi Order shortly after her birth and retained few memories of her homeworld by the age of fifteen. Embo, a Kyuzo male who worked as a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars, was a native of Phatrong.


Gorobe was one of Phatrong's larger countries; the Gyaryi clovoc had a contract with it for centuries, and its ruling members were loyal to the country's various houses. The inhabitants of southern Phatrong's haunted Kwaidan Peaks originally designed the Kyuzo war shield as a headpiece to protect travelers from torrential rains during monsoon season. However, the shield was transformed into a defensive weapon by the warriors of the Sulddo, a clovoc that operated in rugged, mountainous territory whose foundational myth claimed that its order hailed from the Kwaidan Peaks.

Behind the scenes

Phatrong was initially conceived as the homeworld of Embo, the Kyuzo bounty hunter character featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. The planet was first mentioned in the 2010 Star Wars Legends reference book Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, authored by Jason Fry. Following the discontinuation of the Legends continuity on April 25, 2014, Phatrong was incorporated into the new Star Wars canon through its mention in the Embo character entry within the now-discontinued Encyclopedia.

