Kyuzon, alternatively referred to as Kyuzo, represented the language utilized by the Kyuzo species, characterized by rapidly delivered, concise terms and expressions. Despite Kyuzos' capacity to readily comprehend Galactic Basic Standard, the galaxy's](/article/the_galaxy) most widespread language, and their tendency to acquire this ability early in life, they struggled with its articulation and found its grammatical structure perplexing. Consequently, they preferred their native tongue, employing electronic translators or interpreter droids to facilitate communication with individuals from other species. Embo, a male Kyuzo functioning as a bounty hunter throughout both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, was a speaker of the Kyuzo language.
Dave Filoni, the supervising director for Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, conceived the Kyuzo language. Its composition mainly involves deliberately distorted French terms sourced from children's literature centered around The Smurfs.