Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Issue #8 constitutes the eighth installment of the canon comic book series, formally titled Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. This particular issue was penned by Daniel José Older, with illustrations provided by Toni Bruno and Rebecca Nalty. IDW Publishing released it to the public on September 1, 2021.
After their shared experiences on both the Junk Moon and Nal Hutta, Lula, Zeen, Farzala, and Qort find themselves reunited and secure aboard the Starlight, where they endeavor to recuperate. However, a fresh challenge emerges in the guise of a familiar face. Simultaneously, Marchion Ro fuels Krix's aggressive fixations, which culminates in an assault on Takodana!
Daniel José Older, the acclaimed author of Star Wars: Last Shot, collaborates with artist Harvey Tolibao to integrate IDW into The High Republic, an expansive publishing initiative that encompasses both comic books and prose works!
Zeen Mrala finds herself overjoyed on Starlight Beacon, surrounded by her comrades Lula Talisola, Ram Jomaram, and V-18. The reunion with Qort and Farzala Tarabal feels like an eternity, despite only being separated for a few months; it feels more akin to years. Their bond feels timeless, even though their acquaintance is relatively recent, and they have repeatedly saved each other's lives. During their embrace, Farzala expresses concern about the attack on Valo, while Lula reveals Farzala's involvement in battling Drengir alongside the Hutts. Zeen observes Farzala and Qort's new companion, while she and Lula playfully debate who gets to introduce their new friend first.
Lula presents Ram, a Padawan hailing from Valo, highlighting his exceptional technological skills and his role in saving numerous lives during the attack. After Ram's greeting, Farzala embraces him, welcoming him as family. Farzala then introduces Ishnar Ti-Kharatal, a celebrated warrior of the Hutts and a skilled chef, emphasizing her life-saving contributions, albeit with some coaxing. As Ishnar awkwardly greets them, Farzala explains their invitation, citing her suitability for the group due to her combat prowess. Lula embraces Ishnar, and Zeen rejoices in the camaraderie. However, a sense of foreboding lingers, as Zeen recognizes the need to address a lingering issue: her former confidant Krix Kamerat, whose sense of betrayal over Zeen's concealed Force-sensitive nature led him to join the Nihil.
Aboard the Nihil flagship, the Gaze Electric, Krix approaches Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro. Upon receiving permission to speak, Krix tentatively suggests that the thing he discovered in the Kharvashark Ruins, and the power it possesses, could aid in capturing and eliminating a Jedi, given Ro's capture of one. Ro inquires about the subsequent course of action, to which Krix expresses his desire for the power to obliterate the entire Jedi Order and all Force-users. Ro observes the lingering pain from his friend's betrayal, which Krix denies. Ro continues, noting Krix's rapid ascent within the Nihil ranks, even into his inner circle, yet his persistent desire for more. Ro invites Krix to accompany him on the final phase of their plan to destroy the Republic and its allies, demanding proof of his worthiness by demonstrating his capabilities with the remnants of his contingent following the debacle on Vrant Tarnum. Ro challenges Krix to embody the true essence of the Nihil, to which Krix vows to prove himself to Ro and the entire galaxy.
On Starlight, Zeen, upon learning of Ishnar's dual talents as a warrior and a cook, inquires about any limitations. The Nikto admits to subpar singing abilities. Farzala humorously hopes for Ishnar's proficiency as a teacher, prompting Lula to lament being constantly reminded of a past culinary mishap. Ishnar inquires about Lula's attempted dish, while Ram questions the urgency of their briefing. Zeen sighs as Farzala reveals the dish to be water. Ram expresses confusion about ruining water, while Ishnar questions its status as a dish, as Lula pleads for an end to the teasing. Ram attempts to reassure Lula, admitting his own culinary ineptitude, but Lula deflects blame onto Farzala, who retorts that he wasn't the one who burned water. Zeen clarifies to Ishnar that Lula was attempting to make tea, which could be considered a dish, but Ishnar counters that it ceases to be one when the water is burned.
On Takodana in the Mid Rim, Krix leads his Storm Riders, outlining their mission: to cause disruption, weaken defenses before the main attack, and assert the Nihil's dominance over the pirate Maz Kanata as the galaxy's "true" raiders. He notes the presence of a single, elderly Jedi at the Jedi outpost, suggesting the possibility of eliminating her and destroying the temple themselves. However, when he seeks confirmation from his raiders, a dissenting voice questions the wisdom of engaging with a Jedi again, sounding like one of the Krill sisters. Neither Bareen nor Sabata claims responsibility, prompting Krix to declare that since no one admits to cowardice, they will proceed, but all cowards deserve death.
At the Jedi Temple, Sav Malagán is about to enjoy her caf when the invasion [alarm](/article/alarm_system] sounds. Upon reaching the roof, she acknowledges the Nihil's arrival in her corner of the galaxy, expressing a hint of pity for them.
On Starlight, the Padawans and their companions arrive at the meditation room for the war meeting, finding Jedi Masters Kantam Sy and Torban Buck engaged in medidating. Torban greets the students, explaining their intensive Force meditation to synchronize their minds for the task ahead. Lula inquires about the task, and Kantam explains that they're about to explain it, but first Kantam and Torban acknowledge the significant events that have transpired during their separation and the harrowing experiences they've endured. The Padawans and younglings erupt with questions: Is Loden Greatstorm truly gone? Is Yoda safe? What's the news from Valo? Do the Nihil possess a weapon that can turn Jedi to dust? Is anyone searching for Yoda? How does one burn water?
On Takodana, Sav welcomes the "visitors of dubious intent" before leaping from the temple roof, evading cannon fire, and landing atop a Nihil ship. After ejecting the pilot, Sav explains Takodana's usual hospitality but notes that the pirates have pushed their limits, abandoning the first ship and leaping onto a second. Krix demands the Jedi's destruction, but her elusiveness prompts him to order the destruction of everything. Sav, wielding her lightsabers, is spotted atop a Nihil ship, leading another pirate vessel to target it, but Sav leaps to another ship, avoiding the blast. After damaging the final ship, Sav lands safely, sheathing her weapons, while Krix is perplexed by her feat, his ship remaining the only one undamaged.
On Starlight, Torban urges the Padawans to be patient, admitting the lack of satisfactory answers to most of their questions. Kantam confirms Yoda's continued absence, explaining that while the students know that Kantam was Yoda's apprentice and they wish he was here, Yoda gave orders for no one to follow him, and they must trust the Force on this. Torban confirms Master Loden's oneness with the Force, and that although the Jedi don't know what did that to him or how it was possible, one of their best investigators is on the case.
Kantam announces the students' designation as a special task force, emphasizing the need for all Jedi to contribute during these perilous times. He explains that a Nihil cell has been targeting Jedi outposts in a nearby region, employing a pattern of small advance strikes followed by larger attacks on first responders and rescue teams. Intelligence suggests that the cell leader operates independently, possibly reporting to a single higher authority, rather than fitting into the Tempest Runner structure. Zeen is distressed when Kantam reveals their suspicion that Krix is the cell leader.
Kantam acknowledges Zeen's past relationship with Krix, considering her exclusion from the mission. However, Zeen reflects on her belief that Krix would always bring either joy or sorrow to the galaxy, and refuses to stay behind. She asserts that their past bond is severed, suggesting that Krix's nature would have led him to extremes regardless of circumstances, endangering those around him. Zeen admits her past mistakes but emphasizes her growth, concluding that Krix's choices are what matter. Kantam agrees, but says they will discuss her choice moving forward, as they leave immediately. When Farzala asks where, Torban says they're off to Takodana, where a single Jedi fended off the initial attack, but will need their help to deal with the follow-up. Lula is surprised at this, but Torban supposes that they haven't met Sav Malagán.
On Takodana, the Kyuzo Jedi learns from a Toydarian that the only damage to nearby buildings was one window, and all the surviving Nihil were taken into custody. Sav agrees that this is excellent, saying that Maz is coming over with some of her crew to help out, and Starlight has a contingent on the way. As she is stating they know the Nihil will be back, however, she hear something and discovers two injured pirates underneath a piece of debris, who ask for help.
At a Nihil base at Dol'har Hyde, Krix leaps out of his fighter. Another pirate approaches with a question, but Krix says it's not the time and orders his Nihil to their flyers, declaring that today they destroy the Jedi Temple on Takodana.