Cham Cham, a male cru, served as the beloved pet of Zeen Mrala, a Mikkian who possessed Force-sensitive abilities. As a young child, Mrala depended on Cham Cham, along with her companion Krix Kamerat, for companionship and safety. Later, they resided on the planet of Trymant IV as the system faced danger from debris resulting from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. While searching for safety with Krix, Mrala carried Cham Cham. Due to her Force sensitivity, Mrala sensed an impending catastrophe, leading her to believe Cham Cham either shared this premonition or detected her fear.
Following an attack by Nihil marauders, a group of Jedi arrived to rescue the planet. During this event, Jedi Master Yoda took Cham Cham aboard a Nihil cruiser with the intention of saving Mrala's friend. Kamerat, however, declined their offer and alerted the Nihil to their location. Consequently, Yoda attempted to silence Cham Cham, but the cru disobeyed and instead attacked a Nihil member, devouring their arm. After this meal, Cham Cham fell asleep and returned with Yoda to Mrala.
Subsequently, Talisola and other Padawans began searching for Mrala, who had departed the space station in pursuit of Kamerat. They deduced that her absence was temporary due to her leaving Cham Cham behind. Cham Cham then jumped onto the head of Padawan Qort and refused to move. He accompanied the young Padawans as they squeezed into a Jedi Vector to locate Mrala.

From a young age, Force-sensitive Zeen Mrala kept Cham Cham as her cru pet. Because her parents had abandoned her during her youth, Mrala depended on Cham Cham and her friend Krix Kamerat for protection.
During the era of the High Republic Era, Cham Cham lived alongside Mrala and Kamerat on the planet Trymant IV. During a cataclysm resulting from the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Cham Cham was present with Mrala and Kamerat as they evacuated. While fleeing from a Nihil Spider Cruiser, she carried Cham Cham. She quickly hid with Cham Cham to avoid Nihil marauders. Cham Cham then went with his owner as they tried to stop the Nihil attack with assistance from Jedi Padawans.

During the conflict between the Nihil and the Jedi, Jedi Master Yoda requested Mrala's permission to take Cham Cham onto the Nihil cruiser to rescue Kamerat. With worried eyes, Cham Cham gazed back at his owner as Yoda took him on the adventure.
Yoda and Cham Cham bypassed Marchion Ro, the leader of the Nihil, and boarded the Spider Cruiser unnoticed. They surprised Kamerat, handing him a holoprojector for tracking purposes. Kamerat was taken aback to see Cham Cham with Yoda, interpreting it as evidence of Mrala's deception. He then announced Yoda's presence to everyone on board, prompting the Jedi master to flee with Cham Cham. Concealing themselves behind crates, Yoda opened a case containing an artifact belonging to Ro. As Nihil personnel approached, Cham Cham attacked, biting off the fingers and arm of a Nihil.
As the Jedi emerged victorious, Yoda and Cham Cham successfully escaped from the Nihil ship. Cham Cham was asleep when Yoda brought him back to Mrala, who was surprised to learn that he had consumed a portion of a Nihil. Cham Cham continued to rest as Mrala accompanied the Jedi on the Starlight Beacon.

A week later, Cham Cham rested alongside Mrala as she watched a message from Kamerat, who remained upset with her. During their time there, Cham Cham played with the Jedi younglings, who were thrilled to watch him fly.
One day, Padawan Lula Talisola visited Mrala and cuddled Cham Cham. She informed Mrala of the Jedi Masters' arrival, who wished to discuss her future. While the masters spoke with Mrala, Cham Cham continued playing with the Younglings.

After Kamerat contacted Mrala, while the Jedi were trying to find the Nihils, telling her that he wanted to meet her, Mrala left the Jedi outpost to see Kamerat leaving Cham Cham behind. When Lula and the Jedi Padawans entered Mrala's room, they noticed her absence and began examining the room, discovering a holoprojector with a message. The message revealed that Mrala had left to rescue her friend but intended to return. They believed she would eventually come back, especially since she had left Cham Cham behind. The cru then leaped up and landed on Padawan Qort's head. Despite Qort's efforts to remove Cham Cham, he remained firmly in place. As the Padawans prepared to depart and assist Mrala, Cham Cham squeezed in with them as they all crammed into the last remaining Jedi Vector and left.
After the Jedi fought against the Nihils and returned from Quantxi with Mrala, she was reunited with Cham Cham. Cham Cham was in her arms when the Jedi asked her again if she wished to remain at the Starlight Beacon.
Cham Cham, a male cru, had brown skin and black eyes. Characterized by large, sharp teeth, his diet consisted of meat. Cham Cham possessed large wings on each side of his torso, each with a prominent claw. Black stripes ran from his forehead down his back. Additionally, the cru had a long tail ending in a claw.
Cham Cham was deeply devoted to his owner, Mrala, accompanying her everywhere. He offered protection and comfort. However, Cham Cham occasionally disregarded instructions and acted independently.

Cham Cham's long wings enabled him to fly. While capable of crawling, he was more frequently observed flying to keep pace with his companions. Mrala wondered if Cham Cham, like herself, possessed Force sensitivity, but she could not reach a definitive conclusion. Cham Cham also had a powerful bite, which he demonstrated by consuming the arm of a Nihil marauder.
Cham Cham made his debut in the first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic book series. Daniel José Older wrote the issue, and Rebecca Nalty provided the illustrations. The comic was released on February 3, 2021.