The inaugural issue of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures is The High Republic Adventures 1. This comic, featuring the story Collision Course, was penned by Daniel José Older and released on February 3, 2021 by IDW Publishing.
Trymant IV is about to face fiery destruction! A relic of the Hyperspace Disaster materializes in the sky, leaving Zeen and her closest companion, Krix, with mere moments to reach the Elders of the Path for safety! Simultaneously, Master Yoda, Master Baro, and a group of Padawans are rushing towards the catastrophe to execute a daring rescue operation.
The tranquility above the planet Trymant IV, specifically at Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha, is shattered by the sudden Emergence of hyperspace remnants. This prompts the satellite crew to request assistance from Starlight Beacon.
Lula Talisola harbors a secret. Despite being a gifted Jedi Padawan who excels in her studies, she lacks confidence in her readiness for real-world action. Aboard the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper with her friends Farzala and Qort, under the tutelage of Jedi Masters Torban Buck and Yoda, they are the only Jedi or Galactic Republic starship close enough to provide aid to the Trymant system.
Zeen Mrala keeps a secret hidden. She and her best friend Krix were raised by the Elders of the Path, who taught them that the Force should remain undetected and unused. However, Zeen possesses Force-sensitive abilities. She vows to suppress her powers and keep them concealed from everyone, including Krix. The pair is hurrying to the meeting house, where they believe the Elders will have guidance.
As the Star Hopper enters the system, Yoda asks the Padawans to summarize their understanding of the situation: it's a delayed Emergence stemming from the Great Hyperspace Disaster at Hetzal. Much of the debris is headed towards Trymant IV, the system's most populated planet, and Bralanak City, its most densely populated area. Yoda and Buck prepare to manage the larger debris, while the Padawans rush to their rescue speeders to oversee the evacuation and deal with smaller fragments. Lula reflects on the unexpected nature of facing a planetary crisis as an apprentice, as she enters a speeder with Farzala. Nevertheless, she acknowledges Yoda's wisdom: they must act swiftly.
On Trymant IV, Zeen and Krix observe a [starship](/article/starship] descending from the sky amidst a trail of smoke. Krix is relieved and proclaims that they are saved. Zeen, however, remains apprehensive, because she sometimes foresees impending doom, like a disturbing static sensation within her, and the spider-resembling ship evokes that feeling. She attempts to suppress this sensation, adhering to the Elders' teachings, but her pet Cham Cham also displays unease, possibly mirroring her emotions. As Krix assures Zeen that he will always protect her, she thinks to herself that she's been feeling that static all day, but the ship amplifies it, even more than the falling debris.

Lula pilots her rescue speeder towards the planet's surface, while Farzala warns her to avoid debris. She sighs in relief after narrowly dodging a large piece. Zeen and Krix arrive at the meeting house, but as she tells him to wait, they cautiously peek around a corner and notice armed, masked figures standing guard. Amidst these intimidating individuals, Krix recognizes Elder Tromak and immediately assumes the strangers are there to assist, despite Zeen's reservations, reminding her that he told her he would keep her safe. However, before they can reach the ship, they are intercepted by one masked figure, who informs them that this evacuation is not for them and offers a sarcastic "Good luck with the apocalypse though!"
Zeen reflects on her past: For the initial ten years of her life, her commune was constantly on the move, going from planet to planet as if something was chasing them, and they were somehow unsafe, the only constants in her life being Krix and Cham Cham. Her parents vanished into another commune when she was very young, since relationships between elders and acolytes are considered the most important to the Elders of the Path. She knows she can never reveal her powers to Krix, despite their close bond. Zeen had hoped that residing on Trymant, the longest she's ever stayed anywhere, would diminish her powers since she felt safe. However, she now understands that true safety is elusive.
Despite her fear, Lula and her fellow Padawans are working to evacuate civilians. Everything appears to be progressing smoothly until Farzala notices a piece of debris hurtling towards a building with people on the roof. After shouting for Bibs and Qort to follow with the hover platform, Lula and Farzala jump into their speeder and successfully destroy the fragment in time. They decide they need a larger vessel to transport people from the city, and Farzala spots a suitable ship.
Zeen argues with the pirate about letting civilians evacuate onboard the large cruiser. Krix steps in front of Zeen as the pirates raise their blasters before Tromak speaks up, insisting that they be allowed to live because they are acolytes of his community. The pirates are uncertain because "he" said to only bring Tromak, and Zeen expresses concern about the others who will die. The discussion is disrupted by the Padawans, led by Lula, who request the use of the pirate ship, although Bibs thinks this is not asking nicely because they already have their lightsabers out. The Nihil are unwilling to hand over their ship to "sniveling Jedi kids". Zeen and Krix are shocked to see Jedi, real Force-users.
As the pirates initiate a firefight against the Padawans, Zeen contemplates the Elders' warnings about the Force. She notes that it is the source of the Jedi's abilities, which they employ to aid others. Zeen realizes they are like her, and she could be like them. After deflecting the initial barrage, Lula retorts that they were asking nicely, and Farzala declares that they will take the ship. As the Padawans leap forward, Zeen and Lula together feel something with the Force. Lula deflects blaster bolts while Zeen senses a huge piece of debris falling directly towards them, and she leaps out and acts, reaching out to hold back the debris.
Farzala, Qort and Krix are all shocked, but Lula reaches out to assist Zeen, who is having trouble, assuring her that "We got you." Krix, a true believer in what the Elders say, is horrified as Tromak tells him they must leave, screaming that Zeen "lied" to him. Zeen tries to explain, but another figure arrives, a tall, masked individual descending from the pirate ship. He announces that they have the Jedi right where they want them as the pirates surround the Padawans and Zeen, commanding the assembled Nihil to "Kill them all!"
The official plot summary incorrectly identifies one of the Jedi Masters in charge of the Star Hopper as "Baro", a character who does not appear in the comic. Daniel José Older acknowledged on Twitter that this was likely a holdover from an earlier draft.
In the preview featured in The High Republic Free Digital Sampler, the Trymant system was referred to as the "Trymantian" system. The final comic exclusively uses the term Trymant system.
The sampler preview also listed Taris as one of the locations on the Galactic Data File map. The final version highlights Yavin instead. Furthermore, the same map incorrectly positions Coruscant within the Core Worlds, placing it at the exact center of the galaxy as opposed to its location on the northern side of the Core in other maps.