Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha

The Galactic Republic operated a monitoring satellite known as Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha. This satellite was positioned within the Trymant system during the era of the High Republic. Back in 232 BBY, the crew aboard this satellite transmitted a distress signal to the Starlight Beacon space station. This communication was prompted by an Emergence, where fragments of hyperspace debris originating from the destroyed Legacy Run freighter entered the confines of the star system.


Within the Trymant system, a monitoring satellite known as Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha was stationed. This system is located within both the Western Reaches and the Outer Rim Territories regions of the galaxy. More precisely, the satellite's position was in grid square L-20 on the Standard Galactic Grid, orbiting a specific celestial object within the Trymant system. The satellite featured several workspaces for personnel to utilize radars, screens, and panels for monitoring purposes.


During the High Republic Era, the Galactic Republic deployed Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha, strategically placing it in the Trymant system. The satellite's personnel included a captain alongside a Dug worker. The Dug was responsible for monitoring specific sectors of the system, including sector 17, sector 18, and sector 19, from their designated workstation.

Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha alerted Starlight Beacon of the impending Emergence.

As Emergences began to occur in 232 BBY due to the Great Hyperspace Disaster, fragments of hyperspace debris from the destroyed Legacy Run freighter started to materialize from space, impacting celestial bodies across the galaxy. Shortly thereafter, Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha detected Emergence debris hurtling towards the system's celestial objects. The Dug was the first to notice the impending danger. Consequently, the satellite's captain initiated a system-wide evacuation and promptly notified the Starlight Beacon space station about the unfolding crisis. Subsequently, the Dug expressed their own concerns about needing to evacuate, as they were shocked by the debris emerging from hyperspace.

The message from the satellite was then relayed by Starlight Beacon to the Star Hopper, a Padawan Academic Cruiser, which happened to be the only Jedi or Republic vessel within range of Trymant IV. The Star Hopper then entered hyperspace to quickly arrive at the threatened planet, while a Republic rescue fleet was being assembled. Ultimately, all of Trymant IV's moons were obliterated during the event. Furthermore, the planet itself was pulled closer to the system's second sun, leading to the evaporation of its surface water and the transformation of its terrain into a desert.

Behind the Scenes

The first issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures marked the debut of Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha. This comic series was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The comic's script was penned by Daniel José Older, the illustrations were created by Harvey Tolibao, and it was published by IDW Publishing on February 3, 2021. An article on from November 17, 2020 announcing the comic series featured a preview with uncolored pages from the first issue, including scenes with the satellite.

