Ephru Shinn

Ephru Shinn, a Mon Calamari, held a position on the Jedi High Council dating back to 232 BBY. During a discussion regarding the potential for Jedi to meddle in military affairs related to the Nihil threat, she voiced her opinion that maintaining peace in the galaxy was paramount, as Jedi involvement had historically made such situations more complex. Jedi Master Yarael Poof presented a contrasting viewpoint, asserting the equal importance of justice alongside peace, a position Shinn did not concede.


During the High Republic Era, Ephru Shinn was a Mon Calamari who belonged to the Jedi Order. She was chosen by Yoda to serve as a temporary substitute on the Jedi High Council while the seasoned Jedi Master took a break from Council duties.

Ephru Shinn and Yarael Poof (pictured) disagreed on the right course of action.

When the Council gathered in 232 BBY to deliberate on the Nihil threat, the Mon Calamari challenged her fellow council members, including Oppo Rancisis and Yarael Poof, who were analyzing Jedi military history. Instead, she raised a hand and urged the Council to prioritize the present and the preservation of peace within the galaxy. However, Poof questioned Shinn's emphasis on maintaining peace, arguing that justice was an equally vital ideal for the Jedi.

Furthermore, Shinn articulated her conviction that past Jedi interventions in galactic governance and military affairs had invariably complicated matters. Grandmaster Xo Lahru then posed a rhetorical question, inquiring whether the Jedi should abstain from interfering in galactic military matters solely for the sake of simplicity, reminding the Mon Calamari that the galaxy was far from simple. The debate continued, and a vote was held regarding the inclusion of Jedi in a mission against the Nihil, resulting in a decision to support Jedi involvement, with six council members in favor and five opposed.

In 229 BBY, the Vurk Jedi Master Harli Cogra authored a book called Chronicles of the Jedi, which provided details about the Jedi of the High Republic Era. In the book's initial chapter, Cogra included a depiction and mention of Shinn within sections dedicated to the Jedi High Council and Yoda.

Personality and traits

Ephru Shinn believed the Jedi should champion a peaceful way of life and stressed the importance of concentrating on the Jedi's present-day role within the Republic, expressing her views forcefully despite her temporary council membership. Her primary concern was to avoid actions that might incite violence, even when the Nihil were involved. She even challenged Master Poof's assertion that peace necessitated justice, maintaining that Jedi involvement in military affairs only led to greater complications. Shinn meditated to deepen her connection to the Force. She possessed orange skin and yellow eyes, and her height was 1.78 [meters](/article/meter], or five feet and ten inches.


The Mon Calamari wore a beige robe beneath her white-and-gold Jedi robes, along with brown shoes.

Behind the scenes

Ephru Shinn made an appearance in the 2021 novel Light of the Jedi, penned by Charles Soule as part of Phase I of the multimedia project Star Wars: The High Republic. An illustration of Shinn alongside other council members was created for the 2023 reference book Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi, written by Cole Horton and illustrated by Yihyoung Li, with Alberto Buscicchio adding colors. Before its publication, the artwork was featured in a StarWars.com article dated October 9, 2022, offering a preview of the book.

