The Wookiee escape pod was a uniquely designed shuttle that originated from the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. Following the Battle of Kashyyyk, Jedi Grand Master Yoda used one of these pods to evade pursuing clone troopers, with assistance from Tarfful and Chewbacca.

This conical vessel, a type of escape pod and shuttle constructed by Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans, was propelled by a trio of engines and featured a single seat for one occupant. The smooth hull at the front could open, creating a doorway and deploying a ramp for boarding the ship.
During the events of the Battle of Kashyyyk, Jedi Grand Master Yoda was compelled to flee when Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine enacted Order 66, which targeted clone troopers throughout the galaxy. After eliminating Clone Commander Gree and a clone scout trooper, Yoda made his escape from Kachirho with the aid of the Wookiee warriors Tarfful and Chewbacca. They guided Yoda to a concealed [shuttle](/article/shuttle], its form obscured by foliage, which Tarfful cleared away from the pod-shaped vehicle. After saying farewell to his Wookiee allies, Yoda boarded the clandestine escape pod and departed from the planet's surface. He was later rescued by Bail Organa aboard the Tantive III, who recovered the pod onto his ship after his own escape from Coruscant.