Star Wars 18, a comic book in the Legends continuity, represents the eighteenth installment of the Star Wars series. Marvel Comics released it on September 26, 1978. The writing was done by Archie Goodwin, while the illustrations were created by Carmine Infantino and Gene Day. The story, titled "The Empire Strikes!," follows the Heroes of Yavin as they make their way to the Wheel, a space station of ill repute connected to the House of Tagge.
Luke Skywalker unexpectedly enters a profound and enigmatic trance while training aboard the Millennium Falcon. As Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca pilot the Falcon in search of medical assistance, they come across the wreckage of a House of Tagge merchant ship. They encounter a surviving Rebel soldier who reveals that Imperials attacked the Tagge vessel, staging the scene to implicate the Rebels. The Imperial cruiser commanded by Commander Strom soon appears, intending to seize the Falcon and its occupants. However, Han manages to escape and guide them toward the relative safety of the Wheel. Strom dispatches his forces in pursuit, but is quickly contacted by Simon Greyshade, the Wheel's administrator, who reminds the Imperial commander that the Wheel is intended to remain free from Imperial interference. Strom then asserts that these Rebels were responsible for the attack on the House of Tagge ship, which was carrying profits originating from the Wheel. At this point, Greyshade concedes and grants the Imperials access to the Wheel's lower levels in order to apprehend the Rebels.
- UPC 071486028178; September 26 , 1978 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1]
- (No UPC) ; September 29 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics; Digital edition [3]