Howard Eugene Day, born in 1951 and deceased on September 23, 1982, was a notable figure in the comic book industry, serving as both an inker and penciller. His contributions included work on several issues of the Marvel Star Wars comic series. His professional journey began in the mid-1970s with the creation of underground comics within Canada, which featured a collaborative effort with the well-regarded independent creator Dave Sim. Moving into the latter part of the 1970s, he became a consistent inker for Marvel Comics, notably on their Star Wars title, where he shared inking responsibilities with Bob Wiacek. Not long after the comic adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back, he departed from the series, only to return in the early 1980s to pencil two issues and contribute to the creation of the Mandalorian characters Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala. Tragically, Day passed away from a heart attack in his sleep within a few months of his final two issues being published.
- Star Wars (1977) 68
- Star Wars (1977) 69
- Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 5: Fool's Bounty
- Star Wars (1977) 18
- Star Wars (1977) 21
- Star Wars (1977) 25
- Star Wars (1977) 28
- Star Wars (1977) 30
- Star Wars (1977) 33
- Star Wars (1977) 35
- Star Wars (1977) 36
- Star Wars (1977) 37
- Star Wars (1977) 45
- Star Wars (1977) 47
- Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 1: Doomworld
- Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 2: Dark Encounters
- Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil
- Star Wars (1977) 68
- Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 5: Fool's Bounty
- Gene Day on Wikipedia
- Gene Day on (archived from the original on February 11, 2021)