Star Wars (1977) 28

Star Wars issue number 28 represents the twenty-eighth installment of the Star Wars comic book Legends series, known as Star Wars [/article/star_wars_(1977)]. Archie Goodwin penned the script, while Carmine Infantino provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it initially on July 24, 1979. This issue contains the tale "What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?," which sees Han Solo and Chewbacca attempting to escape both Jabba's henchmen and the perilous stone mites.

Within Star Wars number 28, Jabba is portrayed as a being of the Nimbanel species. Subsequent works would later utilize retcon to establish this character as Mosep Binneed, one of Jabba's subordinates who used Jabba's name while operating.

Publisher's summary

Han and Chewie are being hunted by Jabba the Hut, who is determined to get his money, even if it means using deadly force.

Plot summary

The Millennium Falcon, after a turbulent exit from hyperspace, is forced to touch down on Orleon, a Mid Rim planet notorious as a smuggler's haven and perpetually drenched in rainfall. While Han Solo and Chewbacca are occupied with repairs, the Wookiee points out a leak in the cavern where they've taken shelter with the Falcon.

The arrival of Jabba the Hut immediately shifts Han and Chewbacca's focus. Jabba's forces launch an assault on the cavern, aiming to flush out the two smugglers. However, Han and Chewbacca are confronted with an additional threat: the cavern ceiling is swarming with stone mites, biological weapons originating from the Clone Wars capable of devouring almost anything.

As the stone mites descend upon the Falcon, Han and Chewbacca barely manage to scramble aboard. Following Han's suggestion, Chewbacca employs the Falcon's laser cannons to obliterate the cavern roof. The Falcon blasts its way through the newly created opening and flees Orleon, encountering Jabba the Hut's ship, named the Voidraker, in orbit.

Through communications intercepted from the Voidraker, Han and Chewbacca learn that the stone mites have infiltrated Jabba's vessel. As the sole survivor, Jabba desperately begs Han for refuge aboard the Falcon. Jabba propels himself over in his flight suit, and Han agrees to provide sanctuary (on the ship, not inside), but only if Jabba agrees to forgive their outstanding debts.


According to the official Databank entry concerning Jabba the Hutt, the events detailed in Star Wars number 28 are referenced, stating that "While this particular version of these events didn't happen, it is still possible that the Orleon incident did occur."

The 2014 article called "Red Five," featured in Star Wars Insider 149, clarified that the "Jabba" seen in Star Wars [/article/star_wars_(1977)] was, in reality, Jabba's Nimbanel accountant, Mosep Binneed, who occasionally used Jabba's name during interactions.



