Star Wars (1977) 27

title: Star Wars 27

The twenty-seventh installment of the Legends comic book series titled Star Wars is Star Wars 27. Marvel Comics released it on June 26, 1979, featuring writing by Archie Goodwin and illustrations by Carmine Infantino. The issue presents the tale of "Return of the Hunter," where Valance, known as the Hunter, focuses his attention on Luke Skywalker.

Summary from the Publisher

Is Luke in danger? Can C3PO be the one to save him?

Storyline Synopsis

Beilert Valance, a bounty hunter, arrives on the planet Feriae Junction. There, he shoots Marko Tyne, a patron at a cantina, before meeting with his agent, Skinker, to claim his bounty. Valance is paid with a collection of rebuilt droids, which he promptly destroys with his weapon. Valance, now a cyborg as a result of injuries from an aerial torpedo, harbors a deep hatred for droids and actively seeks them out. His next objective is to locate Luke Skywalker, not only because Luke owns droids, but also because he treats them as equals, which Valance finds offensive.

Meanwhile, Luke, accompanied by C-3PO, is aboard a blockade runner, mapping the perimeter of the Galactic Empire's latest blockade. He skillfully evades an approaching Imperial cruiser before jumping to hyperspace. Now, Luke must locate a trading post to acquire the necessary parts to repair the damaged R2-D2. He lands the blockade runner on Junction.

Valance discovers that an Imperial spy has been attempting to inform the Empire of his presence on Junction. As an Imperial defector, Valance cannot allow his location to be revealed, so he eliminates the spy before he can transmit a signal.

Luke and C-3PO reach Skinker's salvage yard. They obtain the required parts, but Valance soon arrives and confronts them. He attempts to shoot Luke with his blaster, but Luke deflects the shot using his lightsaber. The deflected blast strikes Valance in the face, melting away part of his flesh to expose the cybernetic components beneath. Valance manages to disarm Luke, taking his blaster and lightsaber, and prepares to kill him. C-3PO, in an act of unexpected bravery, steps between Luke and Valance, declaring his willingness to sacrifice himself for his master. Valance, moved by this uncharacteristic droid behavior, decides to spare them.

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