The Dwuni were a species of diminutive sentients who walked on two limbs. Their anatomy included large heads, mouths filled with sharp teeth, and eyes positioned on stalks. In 10 BBY, two Dwuni brothers, named Blawz and Crodit, toiled as miners under conditions of slavery within the mines of the planet known as Kessel. Although they found some enjoyment in their labor, they joined the ranks of miners who were freed during a revolt that occurred during that year. Five years afterward, a trio of Dwuni were employed at a commercial establishment situated in Ferrix City on the planet, but they were frightened from the premises by Deputy Inspector Syril Karn of the Pre-Mor Authority, a human organization, as he prepared an ambush for the thief Cassian Andor.
The Dwuni were a sentient species whose members typically stood at half the height of a fully grown [human](/article/human]. As bipedal beings, they possessed two hands, each featuring three clawed fingers. A Dwuni's head constituted approximately 25% to 33% of their total body size and exhibited an elongated form with a flat top that gradually descended toward their facial area. This area was characterized by a sizable mouth equipped with sharp teeth and a prominent chin, a narrow, slit-like nose, and short stalks supporting eyes that featured large, black pupils. On each side of their heads, the Dwuni had auditory openings lacking external ears, and their skin tone ranged from tan to orange.
Within Dwuni society, individuals identified as belonging to at least one gender—male.

By the year 10 BBY, the Dwuni brothers Blawz and Crodit were working as enslaved miners in the extensive mines on the planet Kessel, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. They had been transported there from other worlds. Under the oversight of the Pyke Syndicate and the Mining Guild, these mines were staffed by prisoners who had generally been captured by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Equipped with portable drill units and pneumatic compressor packs affixed to their backs, Blawz and Crodit utilized their compact physiques to access areas of the mines that were otherwise unreachable—a task that, unusually, they enjoyed. In that year, the pilot droid L3-37 initiated a revolt among the droid workforce within the mines' operations center as part of a heist operation that she and her companions were conducting there, which subsequently led to the liberation of the enslaved miners. Following this event, Blawz and Crodit were among the workers who surged out of the mines and onto the surface of the planet.

In 5 BBY, a trio of Dwuni, wearing uniforms, were employed at a retail establishment in Ferrix City, located on the Outer Rim world of Ferrix. When a contingent of security forces troopers from the Pre-Mor Authority, under the command of the human Deputy Inspector Syril Karn, arrived in the city with the intention of arresting the Ferrixian thief Cassian Andor, the local residents began generating coordinated noise using metal tools to alert the fugitive. The local businesses also closed their doors, with the three Dwuni taking refuge within their place of business.
Karn later entered the store while attempting to set up an ambush for Andor and, inside the premises, tried to hail any potential occupants. The Dwuni attempted to slip out through a back door unnoticed, though the startled officer shot his blaster pistol at the aliens when he noticed them, causing the agitated trio to yelp out and then chatter among themselves while they made their escape. Afterward, the three panting Dwuni were running through a narrow street where they were noticed by Andor and his contact, the Axis network leader Luthen Rael, with the two humans subsequently ambushing the still-waiting Karn at the store.
The Dwuni made their initial appearance in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology Series film titled Solo: A Star Wars Story. The species received its formal identification in the accompanying reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.