The Atrivis sector represented a sector in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, encompassing the celestial bodies Mantooine and Generis. Among the pilots reassigned to the Profundity to augment its starfighter squadrons was Paril Ritta, a Rebel pilot who came from the Atrivis sector, being one of four such individuals. An armed rebellion against the Galactic Empire took place in this sector by 14 AFE, with the Atrivis Resistance Group and the Liberators as the key participants. Although the Liberators seized the garrison on Mantooine, the Imperial Navy soon inflicted a crushing defeat upon them. Subsequently, the Atrivis Resistance Group, operating from Generis Station, opted to align with what Senator Mon Mothma was starting to refer to as "the Alliance", thus becoming one of the earliest constituents of what would become the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
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