Atrivis Resistance Group

The Atrivis Resistance Group (ARG), often referred to as the Atrivis cell, represented one of the initial resistance movements opposing the Galactic Empire. This group, operating within the Atrivis sector, was under the command of Travia Chan. Following the Liberators' setback at the Battle on Mantooine in 5 BBY, Catta Dionize, acting as Chan's representative, communicated with Senator Mon Mothma. In this communication, Dionize conveyed the group's decision to align with Mothma's initiative, known as "the Alliance," thereby becoming a foundational element of what would evolve into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The seamless incorporation of the ARG into the Rebel Alliance's military structure convinced Mothma of the effectiveness of the Alliance High Command's established organizational framework.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide

Notes and references
