
Yeleb, also known as "Protector Yeleb" or "Yeleb the Protector," was a human male who made his home on the planet of Vyndal and became part of a village established there. After discovering a lightsaber, Yeleb was designated as the village's protector, striving to safeguard its inhabitants. When the Jedi Kanan Jarrus was compelled to land on Vyndal, he was presented before Yeleb, who attempted to strike him with the lightsaber because he denied being a genuine Jedi. After Jarrus successfully evaded the strikes and rescued a local woman from a falling tree limb, Yeleb disclosed to Jarrus the source of the weapon. Subsequently, the Galactic Empire visited the village, and forces under the command of the Grand Inquisitor arrived in search of Jarrus. Upon Yeleb's refusal to divulge Jarrus's location, the Inquisitor attacked him. Despite Jarrus's intervention to aid Yeleb, he sustained fatal injuries. Jarrus successfully deceived the Imperials into departing the planet, after which Yeleb died as a result of his wounds.


Age of the Empire

Becoming "the Protector"

Yeleb found his lightsaber in a crashed Jedi starfighter.

At some point in his life, Yeleb, a male human, arrived on the planet of Vyndal and took up residence within a village populated by Non-Humans. While exploring the world, he came across a wrecked Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor containing a dead Jedi pilot. Yeleb retrieved her lightsaber and presented it to the village Chief, claiming to be a Jedi proficient in its use. The Chief then proclaimed Yeleb as the protector of the village, leading the villagers to refer to him as either Yeleb the Protector or Protector Yeleb. Yeleb employed the weapon to defend the village against all dangers.

Skirmish on Vyndal

A number of years following Yeleb's initial arrival on Vyndal, the Jedi Kanan Jarrus was forced to land the attack shuttle called the Phantom on Vyndal after an assault by Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighters. A woman from Yeleb's village and her son discovered Jarrus, and once Jarrus had recovered from the harsh landing, Yeleb instructed her to bring the stranger before him and the villagers inside one of the village's buildings. Because the protector was unable to determine Jarrus's true nature from simply meeting him, Yeleb activated his lightsaber to attempt to discern the truth. Jarrus, surprised to see a lightsaber wielded by someone other than a Jedi, requested a private conversation with Yeleb. Yeleb refused until Jarrus asserted that he had uncovered his secret, at which point the two moved outside. When Jarrus stated that Yeleb was not a genuine Jedi, the protector attempted to attack him with his lightsaber; however, Jarrus managed to evade every strike.

The pair were interrupted by the woman who had originally found Jarrus, who said Yeleb was needed back inside. Jarrus then succeeded in saving the woman from a falling branch, prompting her to question why Yeleb had not tried to assist. After the woman had left, Yeleb revealed his past to Jarrus and pleaded with him not to expose him as a fraud to the village. The sound of two Gozanti-class cruisers landing nearby then alerted the pair to the arrival of the Galactic Empire on the planet. Seeing that the Imperials were under the command of the Grand Inquisitor, a Pau'an who was there to hunt him, Jarrus attempted to devise a plan, but Yeleb insisted that, as protector, he should speak with the Imperials and pretend that Jarrus was not present. Despite Jarrus's warnings about the Inquisitor's danger, Yeleb proceeded with his plan and greeted the Imperials, falsely claiming not to have seen Jarrus. The Inquisitor recognized Yeleb's lie, and when the protector ordered the Imperials to leave, the Pau'an ordered his stormtroopers to destroy Yeleb's village.

Yeleb fought the Grand Inquisitor alongside the Jedi Kanan Jarrus.

Jarrus then revealed himself and attacked the Inquisitor, with Yeleb quickly joining the fight. Using the Force, the Pau'an pushed Jarrus out of the combat, allowing him to focus on Yeleb and slash the man across the chest with his blade. Seeing Yeleb fall, Jarrus fled from the Inquisitor to draw him away from the wounded man. The Pau'an gave chase along with his stormtroopers, and Jarrus was successful in tricking the Imperials into believing he had left Vyndal on one of their cruisers, causing them to depart the planet in the other. With the threat now gone, the villagers were able to gather around the dying Yeleb, and after Jarrus reassured him that his actions had been worthy of a Jedi, he passed away in the arms of the local woman who had earlier been saved by Jarrus.

Personality and traits

Yeleb deceived the village where he lived about being a Jedi and knowing how to use a lightsaber, but he did his utmost to protect his fellow villagers. Despite this deception, Yeleb asserted that he kept no secrets from the people he protected, refusing to speak with Jarrus privately until the Jedi hinted that he knew Yeleb was not truly a Jedi. Yeleb's actions were not always befitting of a Jedi, as he attempted to use his lightsaber to force Jarrus to tell the truth, and he attacked him when the Jedi claimed Yeleb was lying. After revealing the truth to Jarrus, he begged that his secret not be revealed, as he believed it would cause the villagers to suffer. When the Inquisitor arrived, Yeleb chose to try and lie to the Inquisitor despite Jarrus's warning that the Imperials were dangerous. He then attacked the Inquisitor for calling him a liar, but due to his poor skills with a lightsaber, he received a mortal wound. As he died, Yeleb blamed himself for what had happened, but Jarrus reassured him that he had been a good man, which the protector thanked him for with his last words.

Behind the scenes

Yeleb was created for "The Fake Jedi," which is a comic strip that was written by Martin Fisher and illustrated by Bob Molesworth. The comic was published in the third issue of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine in 2015.

