Unidentified Vyndal species

A race of intelligent, sentient humanoids, characterized by their [black](/article/color] eyes and sharp, pointed ears, originated from the planet Vyndal. An individual [human](/article/human], known as Yeleb, eventually arrived on Vyndal and encountered the native population. He presented himself as a Jedi, which resulted in the natives designating him as the guardian of their village. Subsequently, after a span of years, the villagers met a genuine Jedi, Kanan Jarrus, who aided them in repelling an attack by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Despite achieving victory, they suffered the loss of their protector during the conflict.

Biology and appearance

Several Vyndal natives with the human Kanan Jarrus.

The inhabitants of Vyndal were a sentient species of humanoids distinguished by their elongated, tapering ears and almond-shaped eyes that were completely black. This species exhibited sexual dimorphism, with distinct male and female sexes. Their skin color varied from light peach to reddish tones. Many of these individuals possessed brown spots of varying sizes and shapes on areas such as their cheeks, foreheads, and shoulders. Both males and females had hair on their heads and eyebrows, while males were also capable of growing beards. Their overall size was comparable to that of humans.

Society and culture

The Vyndal inhabitants possessed a relatively low level of technological advancement when compared to cultures that had achieved space travel. Their warriors employed physical shields and polearms in combat, rather than utilizing energy shields and blasters. They typically wore simple clothes in muted, earthy colors, frequently adorned with triangular designs. Their dwellings consisted of rectangular structures featuring vaulted ceilings and arch-shaped frontages at each end. The interior walls of their buildings were painted with vibrant colors and decorated with ornamental patterns composed of symmetrical, repeating figures. The natives demonstrated the ability to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard and possessed literacy skills, as evidenced by the existence of parchments. They were also skilled in pottery and capable of producing eyeglasses.


The natives defending their homes.

Sometime after the rise of the Galactic Empire and the extermination of the [Jedi Order](/article/jedi_order], a village of Vyndal natives gave refuge to Yeleb, a human male who had crash landed on their planet. Later, Yeleb returned with a lightsaber he had discovered on the body of a dead Jedi who had also crashed on Vyndal, and the village chief appointed him as the protector of his people. After a number of years, a genuine Jedi by the name of Kanan Jarrus was forced to land on Vyndal to repair his starship, and he made contact with the village. This new arrival attracted the attention of the Empire's primary Jedi hunter, the Grand Inquisitor, who arrived with two Gozanti-class cruisers and a group of stormtroopers. Yeleb was killed by the Inquisitor, but Jarrus assisted the Vyndal natives in defending against the Imperial assault. Having lost their protector, the natives were compelled to learn to defend themselves.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Vyndal natives occurred in "The Fake Jedi," a 2015 comic strip penned by Martin Fisher and illustrated by Bob Molesworth. The core concept of Yeleb deceiving a population largely ignorant of the Jedi originated with Fisher, while Molesworth was responsible for the species' visual design and overall style. Although the comic did not explicitly state it, Fisher verified that the species did indeed come from Vyndal. He also mentioned that he had not conceived of a name for these natives, and invited a fan who inquired about it on Twitter to suggest one. The fan ultimately proposed "Ghatoola," which Fisher then approved.

