In 5 BBY, the Galactic Empire's military assumed control of the Morlani system and the broader Morlana sector from Preox-Morlana. This occurred after the unsuccessful attempt by Pre-Mor Security to apprehend Cassian Andor, which resulted in catastrophic consequences.
Preox-Morlana functioned as a conglomerate overseeing the Free Trade sector under the watch of the Galactic Empire. A key aspect was the Chief Inspector of the Pre-Mor security force regularly presenting the sector's crime statistics to the Imperial Regional Command. ISB Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin was tasked with monitoring these proceedings and reporting on them during scheduled ISB meetings. Pre-Mor Enforcement's security personnel were acutely aware of the potential ramifications a significant security breach could have on the sector's autonomy. Consequently, they frequently chose to disregard or omit reporting minor offenses to prevent triggering Imperial security's involvement.
However, in 5 BBY, two Pre-Mor corpos were murdered in the Entertainment District of Morlana One by an unidentified attacker. Deputy Inspector Syril Karn promptly initiated an investigation, identifying a male originating from Kenari as the perpetrator. Acting on a tip from a resident of Ferrix who identified the suspect as Cassian Andor, Karn, accompanied by three Pre-Mor squads led by Sergeant Linus Mosk, traveled to Ferrix to apprehend him. Andor received assistance from rebel operative Luthen Rael, and together they eliminated several Pre-Mor agents and managed to escape. Meanwhile, other townspeople destroyed the East Team's Tac-Pod. Andor and Rael then booby-trapped a speeder bike with explosives and directed it towards the remaining Pre-Mor agents as they fled in another, causing a deadly explosion. Amidst the resulting chaos, they successfully reached Rael's vessel and departed the planet, leaving the police officers scattered and the city in disarray.
The following day, news of the incident reached the ISB on Coruscant, and Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin was dispatched to the Pre-Mor headquarters on Morlana One. There, he convened with the three officers responsible for the disastrous events. While Imperial Army units searched the premises, seizing any items they deemed necessary, Blevin instructed the officers to relinquish their weapons, documents, and comlinks. He then informed them that they would be transferred to a processing center where their personal belongings would be returned. Following this, he ordered them to formally acknowledge the ISB after-action report pertaining to the previous day's incident. In response to the officers' inquiries, Blevin confirmed that Preox-Morlana would be immediately placed under permanent Imperial control due to the Enforcement's demonstrated inability to effectively manage security threats, as evidenced by the debacle on Ferrix.