Weequay-Houk brawl

A violent conflict broke out amidst the Separatist Crisis at the Eastport spaceport, situated in the Port District of Coruscant, a major planet, involving Weequay and Houk immigrants. This disturbance rapidly escalated, leading to fifteen deaths and causing serious injuries to forty-five more. The already strained environment of the Separatist Crisis saw further issues arise from the interaction of different species.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of the Weequay-Houk altercation can be found in Star Wars Legends within HoloNet News Vol. 531 46.


  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 50 (Starship Fact File: AA-9 Coruscant Starfreighter) (First mentioned)
  • " Coruscant " — Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
