Patrok Ru-Saxon

A male human Mandalorian named Patrok Ru-Saxon held the rank of police captain within the Mandalorian Guard during the Clone Wars. He was the officer in charge of the Sundari shipping docks when a poisoning crisis, caused by Moogan smugglers on Mandalore, occurred.


Service on Sundari

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Patrok Ru-Saxon, a male Mandalorian, served as a captain in the Mandalorian Guard. This organization was the primary law enforcement for the New Mandalorian government. As such, Captain Ru-Saxon oversaw the operations of the Sundari shipping docks. Sometime after a mission to Florrum was carried out by members of the Jedi Order, a group of Moogan smugglers, led by a figure called Tee Va, exploited the corruptibility of Mandalore's government officials and the planet's reliance on the black market.

Va's smuggling group arrived at the docks and bribed a customs official. Eventually, Va's group established their base of operations in a dock warehouse, where they bribed Mandalorian scientists to mix slabin into Ardees Beverage. This was done to double the amount of tea produced and, consequently, double their profits. However, the scientists made an error in the dosage of slabin, leading to a widespread outbreak of illness among Mandalorian children. Following an investigation, Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of Mandalore, and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala identified the source of the epidemic.

Battle with the Duchess

The next morning, Duchess Kryze summoned Captain Ru-Saxon to the Sundari Royal Palace. He was escorted by two members of the Mandalorian Royal Guard. Duchess Kryze informed him of the corruption at the docks, but Captain Ru-Saxon dismissed the information as improbable. Despite Senator Amidala's confirmation of Duchess Kryze's account, Captain Ru-Saxon remained unconvinced that a customs official under his command had been bribed. The captain maintained that the docks were a secure area, free from criminal activity.

Duchess Kryze countered that the docks were not free of corruption and that money was the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy. Ru-Saxon insisted that no smuggling occurred under his watch. When Senator Amidala pointed out what could happen when he wasn't watching, he continued to assert that he was always vigilant. Duchess Kryze questioned whether he was watching while children were dying. When he attempted to defend himself, Kryze interrupted, demanding that he stop stalling and arrest the criminals at the docks if he wanted her respect. Kryze questioned why he hadn't made any arrests with a patrol unit, implying his potential involvement. Ru-Saxon reluctantly agreed to look into the situation for the Duchess.

Skirmish on Sundari's docks

Captain Ru-Saxon, Duchess Kryze, Senator Amidala, and members of the Mandalorian Royal Guard traveled to the suspected warehouse at the docks in two Buirk'alor-class speeders. Upon arrival, they encountered two Mandalorian Guards. Duchess Kryze asked Captain Ru-Saxon if he had ordered them there, but Ru-Saxon denied it, stating that he had been with her the entire time. When Ru-Saxon ordered the two guards to move aside and open the door, they refused, claiming they were under orders not to let anyone inside. Captain Ru-Saxon asked if they knew who the Duchess was, and Kryze reiterated Ru-Saxon's command to open the doors. After some hesitation, one of the guards attempted to strike the Duchess, but Ru-Saxon blocked the attack and knocked him unconscious. The captain then struck the other guard, also rendering him unconscious.

Ru-Saxon, Kryze, and Amidala move in on the warehouse

Ru-Saxon then instructed two Mandalorian Royal Guards to apprehend the corrupt police officers and proceeded to open the warehouse door. Upon opening the door, Ru-Saxon caught the Moogan criminals and scientists in the act and ordered them to surrender. However, the Moogan smugglers and their Gotal workers opened fire, killing two Mandalorian Royal Guards and forcing the captain and the others to take cover. Ru-Saxon then ordered two Mandalorian Royal Guards to move inside and provide cover with their shields, while the others protected Senator Amidala and the Duchess. Using the Guards as cover, Ru-Saxon employed his WESTAR-35 blaster pistol to engage the criminals, but he was shot in the arm and wounded. One of the Mandalorian Royal Guards pulled him to safety while the other covered them until they were all outside. Senator Amidala retrieved Ru-Saxon's blaster pistol and, using a crate as cover with two Mandalorian Royal Guards pushing it forward, she provided suppressive fire and attacked the criminals while other guards moved in and detained the smugglers.

Recovering from his injury, Ru-Saxon expressed his admiration for Amidala's shooting skills. After the criminals were removed from the warehouse, Kryze ordered Ru-Saxon to burn it down. Ru-Saxon initially objected, citing the presence of critical evidence for the investigation. However, Ru-Saxon relented when Kryze threatened to consider him part of the conspiracy if he refused. He then issued orders, and two Mandalorian Royal Guards used flamethrowers to destroy the warehouse, watching as it was consumed by flames.

Foiling further operations

Following the skirmish at the docks, the investigation of the Moogan smuggling vessel revealed that its navigation computer indicated a stop on Coruscant, suggesting the smuggling ring intended to expand its operations there. Captain Ru-Saxon informed Lieutenant Tanivos Exantor Divo of the Coruscant Security Force, enabling him to intercept a shipment destined for the Coruscant Underworld. In gratitude, Lieutenant Divo sent Captain Ru-Saxon a bottle of artisanal tarine tea, and Ru-Saxon reciprocated with a bottle of Mandalorian kri'gee ale.

Personality and traits

Patrok Ru-Saxon, a human male Mandalorian, demonstrated stubbornness in his accountability and resisted criticism during his tenure as a captain in the Mandalorian Guard, even to the point of arguing with Duchess Kryze, the leader of his planet. Despite his belief that his constant vigilance prevented crime, he failed to detect and investigate significant smuggling and black market activities within his jurisdiction. He was a proud man, quick to deny the possibility of corruption among his men and their exploitation by a black market scheme. He was reluctant to accept that the shipping area under his control could have been compromised and was frustrated to learn that he had been unable to prevent the operation.

Skills and abilities

Despite holding the rank of captain, Ru-Saxon's oversight proved ineffective in preventing corruption and black market operations within his area of responsibility. He was proficient in using a blaster pistol in combat.


As a captain in the Mandalorian Guard, Ru-Saxon wore the standard armored uniform of the guard. However, his helmet featured a single viewport instead of two smaller ones, and he had a rank insignia on his left shoulder armor plate. He carried a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol during combat.

Behind the scenes

Patrok Ru-Saxon made his first appearance in "Corruption," the fifth episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which aired in 2010. Actor Tom Kane provided his voice, credited as "police captain." He was officially identified in the canon 2018 reference book, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious.

