Ardees Beverage

Ardees Beverage, a product of the Commerce Guild, was a branded version of Moogan Tea. This occurred after the Guild assumed control of the planet Mooga. To manufacture this newly trademarked beverage using their exclusive recipe, the Ardees Beverage Company was established.


This tea, known as Ardees Beverage, was green in color and available in both bottled and fizzy canned forms. Over time, this corporate version of Moogan Tea developed characteristics that distinguished it from the original.


The Commerce Guild's seizure of the planet Mooga, the tea's origin, led to their declaration of Moogan tea as a trademarked beverage with a protected recipe, despite its widespread consumption throughout the Outer Rim. The Ardees Beverage Company plant, created by the Commerce Guild specifically for this purpose, became the production site for Ardees Beverage. The guild employed corporate surveillance droids and issued legal warnings to businesses attempting to sell their own versions of Moogan tea. The containers of Ardees Beverage boldly proclaimed it as "the galaxy's favorite."

During the Clone Wars, Tee Va, a Moogan smuggler, managed to acquire Ardees Beverage concentrate from an inside source. To boost profits, Va mixed the drink with slabin, a potentially toxic diluting agent. This adulterated tea was then sold to schools on the planet Mandalore, resulting in a wave of sickness among Mandalorian schoolchildren due to the improper mixing of the concentrate and diluting agent. Duchess Satine Kryze, accompanied by her personal bodyguards and Senator Padmé Amidala, launched an investigation. They discovered that all the affected children had attended the same school in Sundari and had consumed the same new beverage. The school superintendent had obtained the tea from Siddiq, an importer working for a shipping company and a key player in a black market conspiracy involving the superintendent, a corrupt customs official, and the Moogan smugglers. Acting on Siddiq's information, Kryze and Amidala's team located the contaminated beverages at a warehouse, observed an ongoing shipment, and engaged in a shoot-out with the smugglers. Kryze ordered the warehouse and its contents of toxic beverages to be destroyed by fire.

Initially, Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon of the Mandalorian Police was skeptical that such corruption could exist within his jurisdiction. However, after being presented with the evidence found in the warehouse, he joined the investigation and apprehended the smugglers. Discovering further evidence that the product had passed through Coruscant and a shipment was en route to the underlevels, Ru-Saxon alerted Lieutenant Tan Divo of the Coruscant Security Force. Divo intercepted the shipment and, as a gesture of gratitude, sent Ru-Saxon a bottle of artisanal Tarine tea. Ru-Saxon reciprocated by sending Divo a bottle of kri'gee.

During the Imperial Era, Gandr Spanjaf, a human resident of Lothal, occasionally enjoyed a can of the fizzy tea, storing it in a cooler. In 34 ABY, Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, challenged the trademark and risked legal repercussions by including his recipe for the genuine, original Moogan Tea in his cookbook, The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook.

