Kri'gee, a Mandalorian ale, possessed a mildly bitter flavor and was sold in bottles by Mandalorians. Due to its inexpensive production, Kri'gee frequently caused severe hangovers for those who consumed it. The capacity to endure the unpleasant aftereffects of kri'gee without complaint was often regarded as an indicator of Mandalorian strength.
After Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon furnished Police Inspector Tanivos Exantor Divo of Coruscant with certain intelligence, Divo dispatched a bottle of tarine tea. In return, Ru-Saxon sent him a bottle of the aforementioned ale. The Sheb Niktose cantina, situated on Vlemoth Port within the Mandalorian settlement of Arumorut, offered kri'gee in glasses for a price of four credits apiece.
Rebel leader Mon Mothma once challenged Airen Cracken to drink an entire glass of kri'gee, a memory he did not recall fondly. Several decades later, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron perused an aged document in which Cracken recounted the incident to Mothma, expressing surprise that the two Rebels had acquired a bottle of kri'gee, and commenting, "I was born fifty years too late."