Eastport Docks


  • Location
  • Coruscant

The Eastport Docks functioned as a docking zone situated within Eastport, a spaceport located in the Port District of Galactic City. Galactic City was an ecumenopolis that covered the entire planet of Coruscant. During 7956 C.R.C., the Coruscant Security Force received information from Sundari Police Authority Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon indicating that a transport, used by a Moogan smuggling ring connected to a poisoning incident on Mandalore, had made a stop on Coruscant.

This information prompted Inspector Tanivos Divo of the Coruscant Security Force to seize a shipment at Eastport Docks. This shipment contained multiple pallets of contaminated Moogan tea originating from the Ardees Beverage Company. These tainted goods were intended for distribution within the underlevels of the planet but were intercepted before causing harm. The docks were later referenced by Divo's grandson, Exantor Divo, in his book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, published in 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, authored by Pablo Hidalgo in 2018, included a mention of Eastport Docks.


  • Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious (First mentioned)

Notes and references
