Ruan, a world primarily dedicated to agriculture, existed within the confines of the Core Worlds. You can find more information about agriworlds here.
Situated along the Koros Trunk Line, Ruan's location was nestled between Kaikielius and the bustling ecumenopolis of Coruscant.
Ruan was one of eighteen planets under the management of the Salliche Agricultural Corporation. The planet's landscape was primarily composed of farmland, meticulously maintained to resemble a park. Ruan's high farming productivity stemmed not only from its ideal axial tilt and rich soil, but also from climate regulation, strategic terraforming, advanced crop engineering, and the integration of labor droids into the workforce.
Initially serving as a colonial territory under the control of Kaikielius, Ruan attained full membership within the Republic by the year 11,000 BBY.
During the tumultuous period of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ruan stood out as one of the few planets willing to provide sanctuary to refugees. Salliche Ag even took significant steps to eliminate machines and prepare the planet for the invaders. Despite this, many refugees who sought safety there found themselves living in impoverished conditions. A large number were employed as harvesters, taking the place of deactivated labor droids. This set of circumstances ultimately triggered a droid uprising.