Raid on a Republic Military warehouse

In the year 3643 BBY, amidst the initial stages of a major conflict involving the Galactic Republic, the re-established Sith Empire, and powerful stolen arms, Vistis Garn, a Rodian, commanded a group of criminals from the Migrant Merchants' Guild syndicate to attack a Republic Military storage facility situated on the world of Coruscant. Garn, in the employ of the Black Sun syndicate, was tasked with infiltrating the facility and led a crew consisting of three Rodians, three Ongree, and one Abyssin. Upon gaining entry, the team subdued the security personnel and absconded with a consignment of cutting-edge armaments. Furthermore, they compromised the warehouse's computer systems, pilfering design schematics for the Planet Prison and other Republic-developed superweapons.

However, surveillance footage captured Garn's likeness as the group made their escape, which enabled the Strategic Information Service—the Republic's intelligence organization—and the Coruscant Security Force to trace the group's movements back to the Old Galactic Market, an area under Guild control. Subsequently, Agent Galen from the SIS dispatched a Jedi Knight to retrieve the stolen data and weaponry from the thieves within a Guild storage building located there.

Behind the scenes

This raid is referenced within the "The Jedi Envoy" mission, part of the Jedi Knight storyline, featured in the 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic game created by BioWare; the raid serves as the catalyst for the subsequent mission, "Stolen Secrets."

