Unidentified Republic Military warehouse

During the era of the Cold War between the Republic and the re-established Sith Empire, the Republic Military operated a storage facility on Coruscant, the capital world of the Republic. By the year 3643 BBY, this storage facility held significant quantities of powerful weapons and ammunition, and its computer systems possessed access to the schematics for the Planet Prison superweapon. In that year, a band of thieves, headed by the Rodian named Vistis Garn, attacked the storage facility on behalf of both the Migrant Merchants' Guild and the Black Sun criminal organization. The group hacked into the facility's computers to extract the design specifications, along with munitions, rockets, and heavy armaments, before escaping to the Old Galactic Market, a region of Coruscant under the control of the Guild. Nevertheless, security cameras captured Garn's image, which enabled the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence division, to identify him and dispatch a young Jedi Knight to retrieve the stolen data and weaponry from the criminals.

Behind the scenes

The storage facility receives a brief mention in the "Stolen Secrets" mission for the Jedi Knight class within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game created by BioWare and LucasArts that was launched in 2011.

