In the waning years of the Cold War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a Jedi Knight, accompanied by the astromech droid known as T7-O1, executed a strike against a warehouse. This warehouse was owned by the Migrant Merchants' Guild, a criminal organization with dominion over the Old Galactic Market district on Coruscant, the Republic's capital. The objective was to retrieve stolen armaments and the schematics for the Planet Prison superweapon. The pair engaged the group of thieves responsible for stealing the items from the Republic Military. The Jedi Knight triumphed over the criminals and their leader, the Rodian named Vistis Garn. However, the Jedi and T7-O1 discovered from Garn that the files had already been transmitted to the Black Sun criminal syndicate. Subsequently, they were summoned back to the Senate Building to address another pressing matter.
During 3643 BBY, amidst the Cold War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Jedi Council located on the planet of Tython detected a dark disturbance in the Force emanating from Coruscant, the Republic's capital. Consequently, they dispatched Jedi Master Bela Kiwiiks and her Padawan, Kira Carsen, to investigate the matter. However, the dark presence was in fact the Sith Lord Tarnis, who was operating undercover as a Republic scientist named Eli Tarnis within the Republic superweapon initiative, a program dedicated to weapons development. Fearing that further investigation by the Jedi would expose his true identity, Tarnis made contact with the Black Sun criminal syndicate and bartered Imperial weaponry and armor in exchange for their services. Acting upon Tarnis's instructions, Black Sun dispatched the Rodian thief Vistis Garn, who occasionally collaborated with the Migrant Merchants' Guild, a rival organization to Black Sun, to pilfer the design specifications for Tarnis's project, the Planet Prison superweapon. By raiding a Republic Military warehouse with a team of criminals from the Guild, Garn obtained files pertaining to the entire superweapon initiative and absconded with a shipment of advanced arms and munitions.
However, Garn's image was captured by a security camera as he was departing, enabling the Coruscant Security Force and the Republic Strategic Information Service—the Republic's intelligence agency—to identify the Rodian approximately thirty hours later. By that time, Kiwiiks had requested reinforcements from the Council, and Jedi Master Orgus Din along with his former apprentice arrived from Tython around the same time. Din's former student, now a Knighted Jedi, along with the astromech droid T7-O1, convened with the other Jedi, Doctor Tarnis, and General Var Suthra of the Republic Military within the Senate Tower. Agent Galen, the head of the SIS branch stationed in the Senate Tower, interrupted the Jedi's meeting to inform them that his analysts had discovered a lead. Suthra then left the young Knight and Carsen with Galen while he and the Jedi Masters departed to meet with Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus. Galen's agents had tracked Garn to a warehouse situated in the Guild-controlled Old Galactic Market region, and the SIS agent dispatched the Jedi Knight and Teeseven to recover the stolen weaponry and files. While Galen and Carsen remained at the Senate Tower, utilizing the CSF's security network to create a diversion for the criminals, the Knight and Teeseven traveled to the Old Galactic Market via air taxi.
Upon their arrival at the warehouse, the Knight and Teeseven caught six Guild members off guard—an Abyssin, three Ongree, and two Rodians—as they were unloading their stolen goods. The ensuing confrontation resulted in the defeat of the criminals and their reprogrammed security droid. Before breaching the security door behind which Garn had fortified himself, the pair retrieved the stolen munitions, weapons, and rockets from among the other contraband within the warehouse. Discovering the door to be sealed, the Knight used a lightsaber to cut through it and enter the room. An alarmed Garn apologized before activating four autoturrets. By deflecting and evading the blaster bolts, the Knight and Teeseven successfully disabled the turrets and subdued Garn. The injured thief promptly surrendered and offered information to the Jedi.

The Knight used a holocomm to contact Galen and report their success. However, an agitated Galen instructed the Jedi to return the design files as quickly as possible, citing a major security breach that had occurred while the Knight was in the Market. Galen declined to elaborate further on an unsecured channel and terminated the transmission. Realizing the Jedi's objective, Garn offered to reveal the identity of the individual who had hired the Guild to steal the files, as well as their location, in exchange for his freedom. Upon the Jedi's agreement, Garn disclosed that he had been contracted by Black Sun and that he had facilitated the Guild's theft of the files to send an unencrypted copy to Black Sun once the Guild's slicer had decrypted them. Honoring their agreement, the Knight allowed Garn to depart. The Rodian informed them that he intended to visit friends on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Subsequently, the Knight and Teeseven returned to the Senate Tower, where they learned that Black Sun had kidnapped Tarnis.
The raid on the Migrant Merchants' Guild warehouse is depicted in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game created by BioWare and LucasArts which was released in 2011. This event is presented as the in-universe storyline of the Jedi Knight-class mission titled "Stolen Secrets" on Coruscant. After retrieving the stolen files and defeating Garn, the player is given the option to either kill the thief, earning dark-side points upon learning about Black Sun, or allow him to leave peacefully, resulting in varying amounts of light-side points. Warning the thief about the consequences of lying before sparing him yields fifty light-side points, while simply allowing him to leave grants 100.