Nezzor, a Human Moff of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Galactic War, was a Male. He achieved a remarkable victory for the Empire as the commander of the Imperial fleet at the Battle of Ruan. Subsequent to his triumph at Ruan, Nezzor led the initial assault of Imperial vessels against Duro; however, the Republic, forewarned of his offensive, ambushed his forces with a well-prepared strategy at the attack. In the ensuing conflict, Nezzor's fleet sustained significant damage, and understanding the situation was hopeless, he tried to crash his crippled flagship into a populated orbital city above Duro, resulting in his death. Despite the Minister of Logistics Davidge's opinion of Nezzor as an incompetent sociopath, Darth Marr of the Dark Councilor held Nezzor's tactical abilities in high regard.