
Vergost was a commander within the Sith Empire during the era of the Cold War, identified as a male Human. As a dedicated Human supremacist, he considered aliens a galactic plague that warranted eradication. Despite being esteemed by the Moffs for his competence, Vergost's fixations hindered his rise through Imperial hierarchies. Nevertheless, an occasion arose for him to justify himself and demonstrate the value of his genocidal convictions to the Empire. Positioned on Nar Shaddaa, Commander Vergost received the assignment to produce chemical weapons within an extermination facility, with the intention of utilizing them to kill the entire Evocii population on the moon, thereby securing an alliance with the Hutts. A Republic operative intervened, aiming to thwart the commander's plan to deploy the chemicals. Vergost and his security forces confronted the operative, only to be defeated.

Behind the scenes

Gameplay alternatives

During the "Extermination" side quest on Nar Shaddaa, Vergost, after his defeat, claims to be aware of other extermination facilities established by the Empire on Nar Shaddaa, even as Kalda Biss advocates for his execution. Player(s) have the option to:

  • Place Vergost under arrest, which results in the acquisition of light side points. Biss pledges to personally handle his interrogation and strikes him for insulting her.
  • Carry out Vergost's execution, which results in the acquisition of dark side points.

