The conflict known as the Korriban Incursion, alternatively referred to as the Republic Occupation of Korriban, unfolded in 3637 BBY during the period of the Galactic War. This battle pitted the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Sith Empire. The Republic's primary objective was to extract specific data located within the Dark Council's chamber, situated inside the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban.
Wave One, the initial offensive, successfully penetrated the Valley of the Dark Lords; however, it was ultimately stalled by the formidable defenses of the Empire. The arrival of Wave Two, composed of four notable Republic champions, bolstered their position. These heroes eliminated four critical Imperial ground commanders before confronting and defeating Lord Renning. Subsequently, they were faced with the ethical dilemma of whether to liberate Imperial slaves, a decision that fell outside the scope of their assigned mission. Following this, they proceeded into the Sith Academy.
Within the Academy's confines, the heroes engaged and overcame Sith instructors to gain access to the turbolift leading to the Dark Council Chamber. Upon reaching the Chamber via the turbolift, the heroes battled their way through and ultimately triumphed over Darth Soverus. Jedi Commander Jensyn, arriving with reinforcements, delivered the final blow to the Sith Lord. However, before his demise, Soverus alluded to an 'old man' who had foreseen the unfolding conflict.
The central heroes then returned to Colonel Rian Darok and Theron Shan for a post-mission debriefing. However, news of the simultaneous Assault on Tython compelled them, along with a substantial contingent of Republic forces, to abandon the Korriban operation and assist in reclaiming the Jedi planet. The Sith Empire swiftly reclaimed Korriban, annihilating the occupying force composed of Jedi and Republic troopers, resulting in the deaths of numerous powerful Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters.