Vaiken Spacedock stood as an immense space station, positioned in orbit around a planet within the re-established Sith Empire throughout the era of the Cold War. It received its name in honor of Grand Moff Odile Vaiken, who was the progenitor of the Imperial Navy.
Reflecting its name, Vaiken Spacedock served as the primary assembly point for the Imperial Fleet. Furthermore, it functioned as the central exchange for transport shuttles that carried Imperial personnel to destinations such as Dromund Kaas, the Empire's capital, the Sith Academy located on Korriban, and the city and port of Jiguuna situated on Nal Hutta. Being the Empire's key military center, the station included its own Dark Council chamber, which was used for military planning and governmental supervision.
A ready fleet guarded the spacedock, composed of Harrower-class dreadnoughts, Terminus-class destroyers, and Gage-class transports. In addition, the Expeditionary Fleet often made its base at Vaiken Spacedock.