Darth Victun

Darth Victun, existing around 4043 BBY, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who sat on the Dark Council governing the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was either of Human or Sith pureblood heritage. Victun engaged in a violent Kaggath, a traditional Sith duel, with Darth Qalar, a fellow member of the Dark Council. This duel resulted in the destruction of the Imperial Citadel located on Dromund Kaas, which served as the Imperial capital planet. Because the duel ended in a draw, the Dark Council ordered the execution of both Qalar and Victun, and their resources were used to rebuild the Citadel, while their family lines were wiped out.

Behind the scenes

The BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released in 2011, first referenced Darth Victun in the Codex entry about the Imperial Citadel. However, the Sith's identity remained concealed until the publication of the game's associated Encyclopedia.

