Valiant (Valor-class)

title: Valiant

During the Galactic War against the reconstitited Sith Empire, the Valiant, a Valor-class cruiser, functioned as the flagship for Admiral Dabrin of the Republic Navy. Dabrin, a famous war hero, became the target of Warren Sedoru, a corrupted Jedi Knight controlled by the mind of the Sith Emperor. Imperial forces, led by Sedoru, captured the Valiant. Dabrin was later saved by the Hero of Tython, who also redeemed the fallen Jedi Master. Subsequently, the Valiant participated in the invasion of Dromund Kaas, the Empire's capital. Following this battle, the Hero and the crew received the Cross of Glory on the Valiant's flight deck.


The Valiant, a Valor-class cruiser distinguished by its hump-backed design, stretched over 500 meters in length. It featured a tower extending from the lower hull, housing three main and four secondary engines, along with a command tower positioned on the upper hull. Along its sides, the Valiant had multiple hangars. These were originally equipped with 110 starfighters, including Liberator-class starfighters, in addition to 25 shuttles and 40 bombers.

