Consume Essence, which is alternatively referred to as Feed on Dark Side, represented a Force power that enabled a practitioner of the dark side to amplify their own power by absorbing the fear, hatred, or other dark emotions present in other beings. The source of these negative emotions was inconsequential; the mere presence of the feelings was sufficient. Both the Sith Lord named Scourge and the Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire demonstrated proficiency in this ability. As early as age six, the Emperor, then known as Tenebrae, was able to exploit his stepfather's rage over his wife's infidelity to awaken his own latent Force-sensitivity and break the man's neck using the Force. Tenebrae subsequently employed this technique throughout his conquest of his homeworld, Medriaas, drawing power from the widespread suffering caused by public executions and torture. Many millennia afterwards, Scourge discovered that he could bolster his combat prowess by siphoning strength from his adversaries. However, while this made him stronger and his opponents weaker, it proved to be a disadvantage when confronting droids. In 1003 BBY, Dessel instinctively tapped into this power while gambling, blending his own hate with that of a Republic soldier, and drawing power from it. Groshik, the barkeep, commented that the young miner's hatred had infected everyone with fury, and he struggled to resist the urge to shoot the patrons with his stun blaster. During Obi-Wan Kenobi's duel against Darth Maul on Naboo, Obi-Wan noted that Maul appeared to be feeding on his own anger and strength after Qui-Gonn Jinn's fatal wounding. Maul gained power while Obi-Wan lost his after entering a rage.
More than a century later on Dac, the Emperor Krayt utilized this ability to sustain his physical form against the detrimental effects of the Vong implants that were weakening him. The strength he derived from the surrounding slaughter was so immense that he momentarily regained his spirits and proclaimed that he would not succumb to the parasites and die.