Scourge's first love

An initial romantic attachment for the Sith Pureblood Scourge was a specific person. Following his experience with a scientific re-enactment of an immortality ritual performed by the Sith Emperor, Scourge had his physical senses taken from him, and he began to highly value the recollections of what he was no longer capable of sensing, like the color of his love's eyes.

When Scourge joined forces with the Jedi Knight referred to as the Hero of Tython with the goal of overcoming the Emperor circa 3641 BBY, he brought up the recollection of his love's eyes at a later point, as he was attempting to help the Jedi grasp the extent to which the Emperor had deprived both himself and Scourge of their humanity.

Behind the scenes

This person was first referenced within the optional dialogue "Eternal Emptiness" with Lord Scourge, a companion character that is available for the Jedi Knight class in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. The species, gender, and final outcome for this person are not stated.

