Sith Emperor's power base

The power base of the Sith Emperor consisted of a network of individuals and groups, each dedicated to fulfilling the desires of the Emperor of the rebuilt Sith Empire. The twelve Servants belonging to the Emperor's Hand secretly carried out his commands across the galaxy, while the Imperial Guard were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their leader. The Emperor's Voice position allowed the Emperor to maintain his physical safety, while his Wrath unleashed the Sith lord's vengeance upon his adversaries, and his Children served as his unwitting spies throughout the Republic. With the exception of one, all of the Emperor's servants were mentally connected to him through the Force, ensuring their unwavering loyalty. Lord Scourge and his successor being the Wrath were the exception, not bound by any rituals, as the Emperor wanted his enforcer to use their full power. Following the Emperor's destruction of Ziost, the power base was abandoned. The Emperor had shifted his attention entirely to Zakuul, informing the Alliance Commander that he no longer needed such primitive instruments.

Darth Marr restructured the Wrath into the Empire's Wrath, granting individuals freedom and power as long as it benefited the Empire, but now answerable only to Marr.

Years after Zakuul's conquest and subsequent defeat, the Sith Empire under Empress Acina continued to use the Imperial Guard, renaming them the Dark Honor Guard, to protect the Dark Council and the Sith ruler.

After the Meridian Complex assault during the third Galactic War, Emperor Vowrawn reorganized the Emperor's Hand into the Hand of the Empire, comprising the Empire's elite led by Darth Rivix, while banishing the Servants from the organization and the Empire because of their loyalties.

