Vyn Asara

Vyn Asara, a Twi'lek of the Rutian variety and female, held the position of ambassador for the Galactic Republic. She served during the era known as the Cold War.


During the Cold War period, Vyn Asara, a Rutian Twi'lek woman, dedicated her life to the diplomatic service of the Galactic Republic. She eventually ascended to the role of ambassador to the Sith Empire. The Sith labeled Asara a terrorist and seditionist due to her clandestine efforts within Imperial territory, where she strived to persuade worlds to align with the Republic. Her activities drew the personal animosity of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran.

In the year 3643 BBY, Asara found herself aboard the cruiser known as the Esseles, heading towards Coruscant. It was during this voyage that Kilran attempted to capture her. Kilran's forces successfully boarded the Esseles, but this was merely a ruse to divert the attention of potential defenders on board. The true danger came in the form of a Mandalorian squad, led by the seasoned warrior Ironfist, who seized control of the bridge and took the command crew hostage.

The Ambassador attempted to persuade the heroes to gain access to the bridge by initiating a reactor reset. This action would deactivate the security locks, but it would also result in the venting of the engineering compartment, leading to the death of Chief Engineer Salen and his trapped team. The group declined this option, opting instead to shut down the secondary conduits, achieving the same outcome without sacrificing the engineering crew.

Following the defeat of Ironfist and the liberation of the crew by the allies, Asara convinced them to utilize one of the Esseles' shuttles to reach Kilran's vessel and disable the tractor beam that was holding the cruiser. Haken, the First Officer, suggested abandoning the ambassador on Kilran's ship to prevent the Imperials from pursuing them, but the allies refused. The allies, accompanied by a security team and Asara, who possessed knowledge of the Imperial warship's layout, boarded the enemy vessel. Asara and the guards remained in the hangar while the heroes worked to disable the tractor beam. However, as they returned, the Sith apprentice Vokk ambushed the ambassador. He eliminated the security forces and began to choke Asara, but he cast her aside when the others entered the hangar. They successfully defeated the Sith and his forces and shared Haken's proposition with the ambassador as they prepared to depart.

Asara expressed her gratitude for being informed of the officer's treachery and confronted Haken upon their return to the Esseles. The Esseles then resumed its course to Coruscant, where the ambassador could continue her important work.

Behind the scenes

Players are presented with a choice: either escort Asara back to the Esseles (the light side path) or leave her behind as Haken suggested (the dark side path).

