
Haken was a Republic officer of Human descent (a male), and he held the position of second in command aboard the starship known as the Esseles. This took place during the period of the Cold War that occurred between the forces of the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.


During the Cold War era, Haken, a male Human, served on the Republic's Esseles cruiser. He eventually rose to the rank of First Officer aboard the vessel, effectively becoming the second-highest ranking officer.

In the year 3643 BBY, the Esseles was traveling towards Coruscant when it came under attack by Grand Moff Rycus Kilran of the Sith Empire. Kilran's objective was to capture the Twi'lek ambassador Vyn Asara, who was present on the ship. Kilran's forces boarded the Esseles while his ship bombarded it, resulting in the death of Haken's commanding officer. Consequently, Haken assumed command of the ship just as a party of Jedi, troopers, and smugglers who were passengers arrived on the bridge. At this moment, Kilran contacted the Esseles to announce that they were trapped in a tractor beam and that his troops were searching for a Republic ambassador confirmed to be onboard by his informants.

Haken dispatched the group to fight the invaders, but this proved to be a ruse. The true threat was a squad of Mandalorians led by the experienced Ironfist, who assaulted and seized control of the bridge. After the allies managed to regain access to the bridge, they faced Ironfist, who had taken Haken, Navigator Plex, Communications Officer Raste, and the rest of the command crew hostage. Haken and the other hostages pleaded with the heroes to rescue them, and they watched as the group defeated Ironfist and his Mandalorian squad.

With the crew liberated, Asara convinced the group to use one of the Esseles' shuttles to reach Kilran's ship and disable the tractor beam holding the cruiser. Haken gave his approval, but he tried to persuade the group to leave the ambassador on Kilran's ship to prevent the Imperials from pursuing them. They refused and later informed Asara about Haken's deception after they deactivated the tractor beam. Asara expressed her gratitude for the information and confronted Haken upon their return to the Esseles. Thanks to the actions of the allies, the Esseles was able to proceed to Coruscant, where the ambassador could continue her mission.

Behind the scenes

A player aligned with the Republic has the option to either withhold information about Haken's betrayal from Asara or to inform Asara of Haken's treachery before abandoning her to the Imperials.

