Vokk was a male Human Sith apprentice of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the era known as the Cold War; his gender was male.
Prior to the Cold War, Vokk became an apprentice of the Sith. In approximately 3643 BBY, he was present on the ship of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran when the Moff launched an attack against the Esseles, a Republic cruiser, in an attempt to abduct the Republic ambassador Vyn Asara.
During this assault, the Moff dispatched him along with a squad of Imperial troopers to eliminate the Republic defenders who had disabled the tractor beam on the Moff's vessel. Vokk entered the hangar where the group's shuttle was docked, and killed the security forces who were guarding Ambassador Asara.
He initiated a Force choke on her, but he ceased his action and threw her aside when a group of saboteurs entered the hangar. He gladly engaged the group, calling them weak and spineless, and saying that they were nothing compared to the power of the dark side. However, this boast proved untrue, as the apprentice was defeated by the combined strength of the Republic defenders.

Vokk possessed considerable power in the Force, and he held the belief that the dark side made both him and the Sith invincible. He demonstrated skill in using Force lightning, telekinesis, and the Force choke.
Vokk practiced Jar'Kai, employing two lightsabers with red blades. He would often hurl one of the lightsabers at an opponent to disrupt their balance while engaging them with the other.