A naval conflict transpired above Sarapin Four, pitting the fleets of the Galactic Republic against those of the Sith Empire. As a consequence of this engagement, the Republic Navy Valor-class Cruiser known as the Enkindle was rendered inoperable.
The Enkindle, while retreating from an unlawful assault on Imperial assets, sought refuge from Imperial units within the upper atmospheric layers of Sarapin Four, accompanied by a trio of Thranta-class Corvettes. The Empire detected the warship and rapidly mobilized available forces from the vicinity. Among these forces was a celebrated individual piloting their personal starfighter.
Terminus-class destroyers, numbering three, descended into Sarapin Four's atmosphere in conjunction with the celebrated pilot, initiating an attack on the Enkindle and its accompanying vessels. The three corvettes attempted to engage the Imperial fleet, sustaining substantial damage in the process. The celebrated pilot pressed onward toward the Enkindle, engaging Talon-class Republic starfighters and escort ships while approaching the warship. The hero's assignment involved disabling four shield generators and a dozen Laser cannons situated on the Enkindle, along with eliminating 50 enemy starfighters should the opportunity arise. As the action unfolded, three more Thranta-class Corvettes arrived to support the Enkindle and its escorts; one of these was destroyed immediately after providing assistance. The engagement concluded shortly after its commencement, with the celebrated pilot departing Sarapin Four's atmosphere, leaving behind a crippled Republic warship in orbit around the planet.