Raid on the Black Sun's clinic

In the vicinity of 3643 BBY, Stansun, a Coruscant Security Force officer, assigned a operative working for the Galactic Republic the mission of executing a raid on a clinic. This medical facility was under the control of the criminal organization known as Black Sun, and was located on the planet of Coruscant. The purpose of this clinic was to provide surgical alterations to the faces of criminals who were being sought after, thereby aiding in their evasion of capture. Stansun's objective was to bring an end to the clinic's operations and to obtain a record of its past clientele, facilitating their subsequent apprehension.

The operative was successful in obtaining a passkey that allowed for entry into the clinic. After gaining access, the operative proceeded to kill a minimum of eight Human and droid medical staff members who were on duty within the facility. This action resulted in the clinic being forced to cease operations. Subsequently, the operative retrieved the patient roster from the computers housed within the clinic and delivered it to Stansun.

