
Sebaddon, a minor world, resided in the Mid Rim region, situated above the galactic plane, and was in proximity to a black hole.


Tectonic forces had left their mark on it, resulting in a surface displaying a spectrum of colors, ranging from gray to red, attributed to the presence of basalt and mantle materials, respectively. Its thick atmosphere exhibited evidence of both clouds and rainfall. Predominantly covered in lava, Sebaddon lacked any oceans or substantial [water](/article/water-legends] bodies.


Around the time the Cold War was occurring, Lema Xandret sought refuge on Sebaddon after the reconstituted Sith Empire abducted her daughter, Cinzia, to initiate her Sith training. While on Sebaddon, Xandret engaged in cloning her daughter and engineered hexes, a unique form of combat droid capable of rapid self-replication, programming these droids to safeguard Cinzia at all costs.

Upon discovering the planet, both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic recognized the potential threat posed by the hexes' rapid multiplication, leading them to unite in a joint attempt to destroy the droids. This endeavor proved successful when Cinzia's clone died, effectively rendering the droids without a purpose. The original Cinzia—now known as Sith apprentice Eldon Ax—assumed command of the droids, instructing them to eliminate Darth Chratis before allowing them to self-destruct. Subsequently, the Republic's efforts to extract valuable metals from Sebaddon were hampered by Imperial attacks, yielding limited success. It was later observed that Sebaddon's orbit had been disrupted, causing it to gradually descend towards the black hole.

Behind the scenes

In the year 3650 BBY, Sebbadon was designated as belonging to the Unknown Regions.

