Battle of Makem Te (Cold War)

title: Makem Te Assault

During the time of the Cold War, specifically between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the planet of Makem Te was the site of a Republic Navy operation. Supported by the Republic Navy, members from the Coruscant Aegis Squadron tried to severely damage the Harrower-class dreadnought known as the Overlord, which was being protected by a number of vessels from the Imperial Armada.


The Harrower-class dreadnought Overlord (Imperial Armada's flagship), under the command of Moff Jocend, initiated an unauthorized strike against the Galactic Republic border during the Cold War era, a period of tension between the Republic and the Sith Empire. The Overlord sustained significant damage in the assault, and as a result, it became separated from the majority of its escort ships. The damaged vessel attempted to evade Republic forces by concealing itself within the upper atmospheric layers of the planet Makem Te, accompanied by three Terminus-class destroyers.

However, the Republic obtained intelligence regarding the ship's whereabouts and dispatched a member of the Coruscant Aegis Squadron, with the backing of at least three Thranta-class corvettes, with the mission to disable the capital ship and apprehend Moff Jocend.

The battle

As soon as they arrived, the Republic forces launched an immediate attack on the Overlord and the ships escorting it. Each of the three Imperial escort ships tried to engage the Republic fleet, and they sustained serious damage in the process. The squadron member continued to proceed toward the Overlord, engaging Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters and the escort vessels as they approached the warship. The hero was assigned the task of destroying four shield generators and twelve Laser cannons located on the Overlord, as well as eliminating 75 interceptors if the opportunity presented itself. As the battle unfolded, three more Terminus-class destroyers arrived to support the Overlord, but one of them was destroyed immediately after providing assistance. The battle concluded shortly after it began, and the hero departed from Makem Te's atmosphere, leaving behind a disabled Imperial warship in orbit around the planet.

Behind the scenes

The Makem Te Assault was developed as content for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that BioWare launched on December 20, 2011. It is featured as one of the initial Space Combat missions available to Republic players, which can be accessed once the player obtains their personal starship and interacts with Flight Commander Judin through their ship's holocomm. In the Space Combat scenario, players are required to destroy four of the Overlord's shield generators, followed by fourteen of the ship's sixteen turbolasers. The daily mission known as "Operation: Noble Gambit," which is divided into two parts, involves completing both the Makem Te Assault and the Space Combat mission "Archenar Interception".

Additionally, there are three bonus missions that can be undertaken during the battle. The first involves eliminating a total of 75 Mark VI interceptors or turrets on the defending ships, while another requires destroying the Terminus-class destroyer's engines (six in total) and shield generators. A third bonus mission, which can only be completed once per day, involves inflicting sufficient damage to the Overlord's bridge using proton torpedoes to cause the ship's destruction.

