Jet Nebula, originally named Jeke Kerron, operated as a male smuggler during the period known as the Cold War.
Serving as a human smuggler and the captain of the Auriga Fire, Jet Nebula's career took an interesting turn when he worked for Hutt leader Tassaa Bareesh in the uncharted regions of Wild Space. During this time, Nebula managed to seize the starship Cinzia, which originated from the planet Sebaddon. This acquisition led to a failed mutiny attempt by the Rodian Shinqo, which Nebula swiftly suppressed. Following communications with the Cinzia, the Auriga Fire prepared to board the vessel. However, Nebula detected a sudden power surge emanating from the Cinzia and, acting on his instincts, moved the Auriga Fire to a safe distance. As he predicted, the Cinzia then self-destructed. Amidst the wreckage, Nebula discovered the starship's navicomp along with an unusual artifact that, unbeknownst to him, was a source of insidious Hex droids.
Upon returning to Nal Hutta, Tassaa Bareesh sought to gain leverage over both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire by putting these two recovered items up for auction. The Republic delegation included diplomatic envoy Ula Vii, who secretly served as an Imperial spy. The Jedi Order dispatched Padawan Shigar Konshi and former special forces trooper [Larin Moxla]. The Sith Empire sent Sith Lord Darth Chratis, his apprentice Eldon Ax, and the envoy Ia Nirvin. At Tassaa Bareesh's palace, Nebula encountered Vii and quickly realized that the man was not truly loyal to the Republic. However, both of them were captured and briefly interrogated by Dao Stryver. They soon found themselves caught in a major skirmish within the palace as the droid nest spawned hexes that attacked the Jedi and Sith vying for the treasure, as well as the arriving Republic and Imperial reinforcements.
Following these events, Nebula, along with Vii, Konshi, Moxla, and Hetchkee—the lone survivor from Vii's security team—boarded the Auriga Fire to locate the planet from which the hexes originated. Their investigation led them to Sebaddon, a world orbiting a black hole. Shortly after their arrival, Republic forces appeared, only to be attacked by hexes emerging from the planet. Similarly, when Imperial ships arrived, they too were targeted. Dao Stryver, who had been observing the situation from Sebaddon's moon, then contacted both the Republic and Imperial forces, urging them to form an alliance to eliminate the hexes before they could overrun the galaxy, given their rapid rate of reproduction. Nebula then transported Vii, who had been chosen to lead the mission, aboard the Auriga Fire and observed the unfolding events, assisting the envoy and spy in his duties. During the subsequent battle, the Republic and Imperial ships resisted following Vii's precise instructions, preferring to conserve their firepower in case their allies betrayed them. Consequently, Nebula instructed his droid, Clunker, to hack into the Republic and Imperial ships' systems and seize control of the entire fleet, forcing them to execute their orders. After the battle concluded victoriously, Nebula ejected Vii from the Auriga Fire's airlock onto a shuttle passing underneath. Nebula then departed to attend to other matters.
Jet Nebula possessed an air of mystery, intentionally projecting an image of being less competent and significant than he actually was, leading most people to underestimate him. In reality, he was highly skilled and posed a considerable threat to his adversaries. He made it a point to stay informed but preferred to remain in the background, allowing others to handle situations, intervening only when all other options had been exhausted.
Overall, he maintained a very relaxed demeanor, accepting events as they occurred without becoming agitated or appearing to care. However, this was a facade, as he consistently stepped up when needed for crucial tasks and demonstrated foresight in his actions, such as disabling Dao Stryver in the cantina on Tatooine and wiping the data banks of both factions' ships before departing Sebaddon. Jet was exceptionally perceptive and intelligent.
Nebula gave the impression of lacking a conscience, but this was also a deliberate affectation. He remained on Sebaddon and assumed control of both fleets in an attempt to save the galaxy. Furthermore, he refrained from killing Dao Stryver in the cantina on Tatooine, despite the logical imperative to do so. He presented himself as a self-serving smuggler motivated solely by personal gain, but in truth, he was willing to do what was right when necessary.