Ula Vii

As an agent working for Intelligence during the Cold War period between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire's resurgence, Ula Vii was a male Epicanthix.


Cold War

Ula Vii, who was born on Panatha, became a member of the Imperial Intelligence within the Sith Empire during the era of the Great Galactic War.

Around 3643 BBY during the Cold War, Vii served his Sith overlords, infiltrating the Republic as a senior aide to Supreme Commander Stantorrs. He reported to Watcher 3, and later acted as an envoy at an auction held by the Bareesh Cartel on Hutta. However, he and Jet Nebula were apprehended by Dao Stryver, a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Stryver threatened to kill Vii and Nebula unless they revealed the location of the Cinzia's remains, which were located inside Tassaa Bareesh's palace. Vii divulged the information, and shortly afterward, Larin Moxla, a former Republic trooper, and Vii's escorts stormed the holding area. Stryver evaded Moxla and the escorts by detonating a section of the roof and escaping via his jetpack.

Following the battle, Vii developed a fondness for Moxla after she and Vii's escorts rescued him and Jet. They sought to journey to the enigmatic planet because Shigar Konshi had made an arrangement with the Bareesh that she would release them in exchange for the planet's coordinates. However, Dao Stryver had acquired the navigation computer, leaving them without the necessary coordinates. During their voyage, Vii assisted Moxla in caring for her hand, which had been cut off by Eldon Ax's lightsaber, a weapon wielded by a Sith apprentice.


Upon reaching orbit around the world, Vii secretly met with Darth Chratis and Eldon Ax, revealing his allegiance to the Empire. However, they treated him with disdain. Vii received a reward for his loyalty after informing Darth Chratis of what he had observed.

During a conflict, Vii skillfully coordinated and hacked the computer systems of two jet droids, granting Nebula control. He was ejected from the aircraft in an escape pod and disappeared after the battle. Fortunately, Vii was rescued by another vessel. After these events, upon his return to Coruscant, his superiors reassigned him to a data distribution division. He had a final conversation with Moxla, and they pledged to maintain contact in the future.

